<title>Minesweeper Game</title>

Minesweeper Game

<p>This is a simple implementation of the classic Minesweeper game in C.</p>

<img src="images/screen.jpg" alt="Gameplay Image">
<p><em>Gameplay Image Description: Placeholder for an image showing gameplay.</em></p>


<p>Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle video game. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board
    containing hidden "mines" or bombs without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of
    neighboring mines in each field.</p>


    <li>Dynamic grid creation based on user-selected difficulty.</li>
    <li>Random placement of mines within the grid.</li>
    <li>Clues indicating the number of neighboring mines.</li>
    <li>Flagging mechanism to mark potential mine locations.</li>
    <li>Recursive algorithm for revealing adjacent empty squares.</li>
    <li>Gameplay loop allowing players to interact with the grid until completion or detonation.</li>

<h2>How to Play</h2>

    <li>Choose the difficulty level: easy, medium, or hard.</li>
    <li>The game will generate a grid with mines randomly placed.</li>
    <li>Use the provided menu options to interact with the grid:
            <li>Add a flag to mark potential mine locations.</li>
            <li>Visit a square to reveal its content.</li>
            <li>Delete a flag if placed incorrectly.</li>
    <li>The game ends when either all non-mine squares are revealed (win) or a mine is detonated (lose).</li>


    <img src="images\screen1.jpg" alt="Screenshot 1">
    <figcaption><em>Screenshot 1 Description: Placeholder for a screenshot.</em></figcaption>

    <img src="images\screen2.jpg" alt="Screenshot 2">
    <figcaption><em>Screenshot 2 Description: Placeholder for a screenshot.</em></figcaption>

<h2>How to Run</h2>

    <li>Compile the source code using a C compiler.</li>
    <li>Execute the compiled binary.</li>
    <li>Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game.</li>


<p>This game was created by JADIR Mohammed.</p>