Hibernate 5.3.7 compatibility
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm currently trying to migrate a Spring Boot App to SB 2.1.0.RELEASE using hibernate 5.3.7.
I'm using org.jadira.usertype:usertype.core:7.0.0.CR1
with spring.jpa.properties.jadira.usertype.autoRegisterUserTypes=true
My DateTime fields are not auto mapped to jadira anymore
(adding @Type(type="org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime")
manually still works though)
Am I missing something or is this version not compatible with the latest hibernate version?
After some investigations, the registration of custom types seems OK.
I see it in the SessionFactory.
The problem occurs on an Embedded type
It is maybe related to https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-7310 ?
Issue created here https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13088 with test case.
When registering the Types manually with a org.hibernate.boot.model.TypeContributor
it's working for me.
I noticed, that the Jadira Integrator is called way after the TypeContributors.
@Xyaren The issue was only in embedded class in my case and I raised an issue in hibernate mentioned above. This one is still open...