- 3
DateTime Column with @Version attribute
#101 opened by mea-alexanm - 1
Status of jadira ?
#98 opened by froque - 0
Persisting FastMoney in JPA truncates amount
#102 opened by Lacuno - 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
AbstractHeuristicUserType tries to instantiate deprecated TypeResolver with wrong parameters
#82 opened by MichaelHegner - 0
StringColumnDateTimeMapper throws an Exception when Joda Datetime contains zone offset in hours, not Zone ID
#88 opened by andrewko - 1
- 2
Hibernate 5.3.7 compatibility
#77 opened by ask4gilles - 1
- 7
Jadira Usertypes with Java 10 throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on initialisation
#71 opened by woditschka - 1
- 7
PersistentDateTime's "databaseZone" and "javaZone" parameters not working as expected
#58 opened by sguillope - 0
- 0
Document which version of usertypes is compatible with which version of Hibernate
#75 opened by jesperdj - 0
Update Indriya version to 1.2
#73 opened by keilw - 2
- 14
DateColumnLocalDateMapper fromNonNullValue and toNonNullValue methods don't honor database timezone setting
#35 opened by joeydaowang - 0
- 4
- 4
- 0
Failed to instantiate PersistentJsonObjectAsString, IdentifierType should be set
#65 opened by jwgmeligmeyling - 2
PersistentDateTimeAndZone saves incorrect timestamp if using type `timestamp with time zone` (PostgreSQL)
#37 opened by Antonnz - 0
Mistake in Documentation (DateTime as Money)?
#60 opened by eximius313 - 1
- 0
Maven dependency org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager should be optional for org.jadira.usertype:usertype.core artifact
#51 opened by asabanas - 0
weld-core-parent dependency reference invalid xml
#67 opened by herau - 1
- 6
- 3
ConfigurationHelper leaks SessionFactories
#59 opened by phaas - 6
TimestampColumnLocalDateTimeMapper#getDefault() timezone is parsed as offset
#43 opened by mrubezhanskyy - 15
Hibernate 5.2 changes - AbstractUserTypeHibernateIntegrator no longer working
#56 opened by oyvindolb - 1
Old version of MutabilityDetector used
#54 opened by more10 - 15
- 8
release Hibernate 5 compatible version?
#49 opened by The-Alchemist - 1
- 5
- 1
org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.threetenbp.PersistentZonedDateTime databaseZone and javaZone
#42 opened by mrubezhanskyy - 1
- 1
- 6
- 6
Support JSR 354
#38 opened by keilw - 1
BigMoney and number of decimal places
#27 opened by FrEaKmAn - 2
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
Support for ThreeTen Backport 1.0 (with JDK6)
#25 opened by DerEineDa - 2