
Source Han Sans

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Source Han Sans


Source Han Sans is an OpenType/CFF Pan-CJK font family. This open source project provides all of the source files that were used to build these OpenType fonts by using the AFDKO makeotf, sfntedit, and otf2otc tools.

Getting Involved

Send suggestions for changes to the Source Han Sans project maintainer, Dr. Ken Lunde, for consideration.


Pre-built font binaries

The installable font resources (pre-built font binaries) are not part of the source files. They are available at Open@Adobe where technical details about these fonts, along with resources not necessary for building the fonts, are also available.


For building binary font files from source, installation of the Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType (AFDKO) is necessary. The AFDKO tools are widely used for font development today, and have been integrated into most font editing applications.

Building the fonts

The key to building OpenType/CFF fonts is makeotf, which is included in AFDKO. Information and usage instructions can be found by executing makeotf -h. The AFDKO sfntedit tool is used to splice in the stub 'DSIG' table. The AFDKO script, otf2otc, is used to assemble multiple OTFs into a single OTC (OpenType Collection).

In this repository, all necessary files are in place for building the OpenType/CFF and OpenType/CFF Collection fonts. The COMMANDS.txt file includes the command lines that are used to build the OTFs and OTCs.

That is all.