
A simple growtopia bot!

Primary LanguageC++


A simple growtopia bot! made by Growtopia Noobs


Currently this bot has a few features that you can try via in game chat!

!follow (Bot will follow you)
!stop (Stop following)

And few others thats not important. You can take a look by your self in the source code.
just scroll down a bit..


This is actually not made by me (DrOreo002) but I've edited the source so it will be compatible without QT and you can
compile it using Visual Studio


Afer you compiled the source, you can directly run the .exe file and specify the path for your bot data. or you can directly run the debug .exe inside the Debug folder

Bot data example

  "username": "Dirgahayu",
  "password": "Indonesia75Tahun",
  "gameVersion": "3.011",
  "targetWorld": "INDONESIA"

Also be aware that ownership is experimental. Sometimes it work, sometimes it dont. But I'll not release
a fix here since I'm currently making my own bot in Java