


GPLv3 LICENSE 2017/11/1 I STARTED LEARNING PYTHON. This is a test text!

I am very happy that today I almostly finish the markdown dorcumernt, please check my work by click the link my github space!

The men who wanna reach the point of the mountain, have three things need done

  • stay a positive state of mind
  • pesist in the things he did
  • do not juge himself on others' words
    • review myself everyday
    • keep a greatful heart

A Gentel Men

sometimes, maybe you will find the life is so hard that you can not find the final fruit. Dont'st worry!

Life just like a box of Chocolate, every sigle day are full of suprisement!

If you realy do not like listensing to those words:

i love you from the first time I met you

  • jeff wang

of course emoji!

if i>0:
 print('you are a kid')
 print('you are a teenager')

you may say hello to : Hey @jadyhill -loveyou the most cool thing i like to do is to do list

  • This is a cool thing.
  • i cannot agree with you more!

Have a nice day!