
A module created to extend SymPy and provide a higher-level interface for manipulating expressions and equations.

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SymPy Extensions

SymPy Extensions is a module created to extend SymPy and provide a higher-level interface for manipulating expressions and equations.


SymPy Extensions can be installed quite easily using pip like so:

pip install sympy-extensions


To use SymPy Extensions within Python code, you must first import the module. For ease of use, we suggest using an import statement somewhat like this:

import sympy_extensions as sympext

We feel this is a compact enough name for usage in the rest of your code, although we've come up with a few alternatives for you, should you prefer them:

# Alternative 1
import sympy_extensions as extensions
# Alternative 2
import sympy_extensions as sympy_ext
# Alternative 3 for those who REALLY love to type long names with underscores
import sympy_extensions