
42 project!

Primary LanguageC

42cursus 💻



begin date : 28/sep/2020 🎉

jaeskim's 42 stats

Project List

Common Circle

00 Libft C Library Makefile Linked list 462 XP jaeskim's 42 Libft Score 2020-10-04
01 netwhat Network network IP network layers DHCP 462 XP jaeskim's 42 netwhat Score 2020-10-12
01 get_next_line C file descriptor 882 XP jaeskim's 42 get_next_line Score 2020-10-09
01 ft_printf C variadic arguments character parsing unicode encoding IEEE 754 BigInt Library Makefile 882 XP jaeskim's 42 ft_printf Score 2020-11-19
🧐 02 ft_server Dockerfile docker container ssl https 1722 XP jaeskim's 42 ft_server Score 2020-12-05
02 Exam Rank 02 C ft_printf 0 XP jaeskim's 42 Exam Rank 02 Score 2020-12-01
🧐 02 cub3d C ray-casting parsing file 4620 XP jaeskim's 42 cube3D Score 2021-03-04
🧐 03 libasm C, assembly assembly system call unit test 966 XP jaeskim's 42 Libasm Score 2021-03-17
03 minishell C pipe process fork bash compiler 2814 XP jaeskim's 42 minishell Score 2021-05-21
🧐 03 push_swap C algorithm stack sort 1484 XP jaeskim's 42 Push_swap Score 2021-06-14
03 philosophers C process thread mutex semaphore dining philosophers problem 3360 XP jaeskim's 42 philosophers Score 2021-06-23
04 CPP Module 00 C++ Namespace class member functions stdio stream initialization lists static const and lots of basic stuf 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 00 Score 2021-07-06
04 CPP Module 01 C++ Memory allocation References Pointers to members File streams 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 01 Score 2021-07-14
04 CPP Module 02 C++ Ad-hoc polymorphism operators overload orthodox canonical classes 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 02 Score 2021-07-19
04 CPP Module 03 C++ Inheritance 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 03 Score 2021-07-17
04 CPP Module 04 C++ Subtype polymorphism abstract classes interfaces 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 04 Score 2021-07-25
04 CPP Module 05 C++ Repetition Exceptions 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 05 Score 2021-07-29
04 CPP Module 06 C++ Casts 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 06 Score 2021-08-26
04 CPP Module 07 C++ Templates 0 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 07 Score 2021-08-29
04 CPP Module 08 C++ Templated containers iterators algorithms 9660 XP jaeskim's 42 CPP Module 08 Score 2021-08-31
05 ft_containers C++ containers easy mode 10042 XP jaeskim's ft_containers Score

Outer Circle

Piscine Python Django python django framework backend django web 9450 XP - 17 days 121/100 2021-06-09

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