
Parquick is a tool for parking

MU Final Project


Parquick is a platform for drivers to find a parking lot, and for parking lot owners to find clients, basically an AirBnB for parking

User Roles

  • Driver : A user who wants to rent a parking lot

  • Owner : A user who wants to put their one or many parking lots up for rent

User Personas

  • Drivers

Peter is a young man working as a journalist, he is good at taking pictures and using all kind of cameras and gadgets, as he needs to go everywhere he uses his car to drive where the news are happening, but he usually struggles looking for parking as he doesn't know very well all the places, and when he finally finds one, it happens to be full so he has to look for another. He would like to have the superpower of knowing where are available parking lots near him.

Pedro is a student who likes going out with his friends on weekends and drive to different places and have fun until too late at night, he would like to know what parkings are close to the places he goes so he wouldn't have to worry about walking long distances and then feel more secure at night.

  • Owners

Pablo is an old man who doesn't go out to much, doesn't have a car but do have a garage that is only storing spider webs, he is retired but would like to have an extra income without having to work too much.

Paul is a bussiness man who works all the day every day and have too many houses and land he doesn't use, he would like to make more money without selling his properties

User Stories

  • As a Driver I want to know what parkings are close to me
  • As a Driver I want to know what parkings are close to my home, work, and the place I am going on my next trip
  • As a Driver I want to know before hand how much my parking will cost
  • As a Driver I want to book/schedule the use of a certain parking from x hour to y hour
  • As a Driver I want to share/gift my booked parking to a friend
  • As an Owner I want to put my land up for rent
  • As an Owner I want to get paid without the need of being in every of my parkings, using credit cards
  • As an Owner I want to automatically share a percentage of my earnings from the parkings with other person
  • As an Owner I want to promote my parking showing all the features it has, like the size, if it is in the shade, if is it in a closed space or in the outside and what kind of security it has
  • As an Driver I want to find only the parkings where my car could fit .