
Java Backend Course 2020 - Tree School

This repo collects all the excercises produced and gathered by Andrea Rosati, Melvin Massotti, Riccardo Pozzati for the teaching of the 2020 Java Backend Course offered by TreeSchool


Module Subject Contents
2 Java Syntax and naming Exercises
3 Control flow statements Flowgorithm, Exercises, CruciPuzzle
4 Git Labirinth
5 OOP Lampadina, Tris, Riparazioni, Numero Romano
6 Inheritance Esercizi
7 Advanced inheritance Iterabile, Ferrovia, Lista, Mini Amazon, Labirinto 2, Bot Telegram
8 - 9 Generics and Collections Dictionary, LibraryV2, SuperMarket, TinderLike, TweetsParser
10 Java packages Car sharing, Facebook, Just Delivery, Righe, Righe 2
11 Parallel programming Sum Thread, From sequential to parallel, Covid simulator 2020, Gutenberg analyzer, Sorting pixels, Blur
12 Stream LettersCount, CivilRegistry, ArcadeRank,
13 API and REST Web Service MiniEcommerce, TreeExpress,