Circle | Subject | Misson | ETC* | ATS** | Score | Status |
0 | libft | Make your own libc. | 70 h | 100 h | 115/100 | pass |
1 | get_next_line | Make a function that reads the next line of a file. | 70 h | 95 h | 114/100 | pass |
Born2beroot | Set up your own operating system implementing strict rules. | 40 h | 50 h | 120/100 | pass | |
ft_printf | Make your own printf function. | 175 h | 100 h | 115/100 | pass | |
2 | minitalk | Make a small data exchange program using UNIX signal; SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2. | 50 h | 30 h | 100/100 | pass |
so_long | Make a very small 2D game. | 60 h | 80 h | 100/100 | pass | |
push_swap | Sort numbers using 2 stacks, with minimum number of operations... | 60 h | 90 h | 90/100 | pass | |
3 | philosophers | Make a simulation of dining philosopher problem. | 70 h | 80 h | 121/100 | pass |
minishell | Make your own shell just like bash. | 210 h | 180 h | 101/100 | pass | |
4 | c++ modules | Introduction to c++ and Object Oriented Programming. | 70 h | 100 h | 100/100 | pass |
NetPractice | Configure small-scale networks using TCP/IP addressing. | 50 h | 30 h | 100/100 | pass | |
miniRT | Make a simple ray tracing engine implemeting Phong lighting model. | 300 h | 280 h | 105/100 | pass | |
5 | ft_containers | Create your own c++ container library. | 140 h | 160 h | 125/100 | pass |
webserv | Write your own HTTP server. | 210 h | 190 h | 100/100 | pass | |
inception | Virtualize several Docker images in your virtual machine. | 210 h | 160 h | 100/100 | pass | |
6 | ft_transcendnece | Make a web service where you can Pong and chat. | 245 h | 260 h | 100/100 | pass |
*Estimated Time to Complete
**Actual Time Spent