README file for Icon Version 9.5.1+Git This directory contains an implementation of the Icon programming language. For documentation, see these HTML files: doc/docguide.htm documentation guide doc/relnotes.htm release notes doc/macintosh.htm the Macintosh port doc/cygwin.htm the Cygwin port doc/faq.htm frequently asked questions about Icon doc/install.htm installation instructions (for binary releases) doc/build.htm build instructions (for source releases) Man pages showing how to run Icon are in: man/man1/icon.1 man(1) page for icon man/man1/icont.1 man(1) page for icont This material is in the public domain. You may use and copy this material freely. This privilege extends to modifications, although any modified version of this system given to a third party should clearly identify your modifications as well as the original source. The responsibility for the use of this material resides entirely with you. We make no warranty of any kind concerning this material, nor do we make any claim as to the suitability of Icon for any application. For more information, see the Icon website: