
  1. Create Table: To create a new table in SQL Server, use the following syntax:

    CREATE TABLE TableName (
        Id INT,
        Name NVARCHAR(500),
        Age INT
  2. Create Table with Primary Key: To create a table with a primary key, use:

    CREATE TABLE TableName (
        Name NVARCHAR(500),
        Age INT
  3. Create Table with Primary Key and Identity Column: For an auto-incrementing identity column:

    CREATE TABLE TableName (
        Name NVARCHAR(500),
        Age INT
  4. Insert Values into SQL Server Table: To add data to a table:

    INSERT INTO TableName (Name, Age)
    VALUES ('Max', 30);
  5. Insert Multiple Rows in a Single Query: Insert multiple records at once:

    INSERT INTO TableName (Name, Age)
    VALUES ('Max', 30), ('John', 28), ('Jack', 31);
  6. Update Query:

    • Update a single record:
      UPDATE TableName
      SET Name = 'Max Payne'
      WHERE Id = 1;
    • Update all records:
      UPDATE TableName
      SET Age = 31;
  7. Delete Query:

    • Delete a single record:
      DELETE FROM TableName
      WHERE Id = 1;
    • Delete all records:
      DELETE FROM TableName;
  8. Select:

    • Select all columns from a table:
      SELECT * FROM TableName;
    • Select specific columns:
      SELECT ColumnName1, ColumnName2
      FROM TableName;
  9. Create View: A view is a virtual table based on a SQL statement:

    CREATE VIEW view_name AS
    SELECT Id, Name, Age
    FROM TableName;

    Usage: SELECT * FROM view_name;

  10. Create Stored Procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE getInfoFromTable AS
    SELECT * FROM TableName;
  11. Get All Column Names from Table:

    • Retrieve column names:
      WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TableName';
    • Get column names with data types:
      WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TableName';
  12. Search Column Name from Database:

    • Find matching column names:
      SELECT c.name AS ColName, t.name AS TableName
      FROM sys.columns c
      JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id;
  13. SELECT Query:

    • Retrieve all rows and columns from the Product table:
      SELECT *
      FROM Production.Product;
  14. INSERT INTO Query:

    • Add a new product to the Product table:
      INSERT INTO Production.Product (Name, ListPrice)
      VALUES ('New Product', 99.99);
  15. UPDATE Query:

    • Update the price of an existing product:
      UPDATE Production.Product
      SET ListPrice = 109.99
      WHERE ProductID = 123;
  16. DELETE Query:

    • Remove a product from the Product table:
      DELETE FROM Production.Product
      WHERE ProductID = 456;
  17. CREATE TABLE Statement:

    • Create a new table named Customers:
      CREATE TABLE Customers (
          CustomerID INT PRIMARY KEY,
          FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
          LastName NVARCHAR(50)
  18. ALTER TABLE Statement:

    • Add a new column to the Customers table:
      ALTER TABLE Customers
      ADD Email NVARCHAR(100);
  19. CREATE VIEW Statement:

    • Create a view that displays customer names:
      CREATE VIEW vw_CustomerNames AS
      SELECT CustomerID, CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) AS FullName
      FROM Customers;
  20. Stored Procedure:

    • Create a stored procedure to retrieve order details:
      CREATE PROCEDURE GetOrderDetails
      @OrderID INT
          SELECT * FROM Sales.OrderDetail WHERE OrderID = @OrderID;
  21. JOIN Query:

    • Retrieve product details along with order quantities:
      SELECT p.Name, sod.OrderQty
      FROM Production.Product p
      INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod ON p.ProductID = sod.ProductID;
  22. DISTINCT Query:

    • Get unique job titles from the Employee table:
      FROM HumanResources.Employee;
  23. SELECT INTO Query:

    • Create a temporary table with bicycle data:
      USE tempdb;
      IF OBJECT_ID(N'#Bicycles', N'U') IS NOT NULL
          DROP TABLE #Bicycles;
      SELECT *
      INTO #Bicycles
      FROM AdventureWorks2022.Production.Product
      WHERE ProductSubcategoryID = 1;

(1) SELECT examples (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/queries/select-examples-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16. (2) Queries - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/queries/queries?view=sql-server-ver16. (3) SQL Commands: The Complete List (w/ Examples) – Dataquest. https://www.dataquest.io/blog/sql-commands/. (4) 20 Basic SQL Query Examples for Beginners | LearnSQL.com. https://learnsql.com/blog/basic-sql-query-examples/.