
The application allows the user to click a photograph and based on the picture display information about the monument/landmark. It also notifies the user about such monuments/landmarks in the vicinity. The app also allows the user to give their inputs about the object and add it to knowledge creation about the monuments/landmark.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Our Virtual Tour Guide App is one of its kind as there is no other app which resonates with the audience the way our app does. This app is made for the users who need to login to use it which helps in maintaining a statistical information of the users and the number of references to a monument. The application allows the user to click a photograph and based on the picture display information about the monument/landmark. It also notifies the user about such monuments/landmarks in the vicinity. The app also allows the user to give their inputs about the object and add it to knowledge creation about the monuments/landmark. The Chat bot is an inbuilt application which facilitates user-friendly communication and emulates a real tour guide and eases the user interface with our app. Also the app communicates in whatever language the user is comfortable in. The app uses concepts of Machine Learning to function. Using the machine learning as a tool ensures high accuracy and efficiency since the application developed on the android platform would be able to learn by itself.


The various features in Margdarshak App.

  • Recognization: Recognize the monument through capturing an image.
  • Language Translation: App communicates in whatever language the user is comfortable in.The details can be generated in any language according to the user’s comfort.

To be implemented:

  • Text-to-Speech: The app can read aloud the details for people who have difficulty in reading or are visually impaired.
  • Reviews About Monument: The app will allow user to add a review about the monument like the facilities provided there, about the architecture of the monument etc.The review can be submitted immediately or the app will generate a notification after 4 hrs of recognization, to submit a review.
  • Share on Social Media Platform: The user can share the picture that he/she has clicked on the social media platforms directly from the app.


Splash Screen Login Screen Home Screen Camera Screen
Crop Image Recognization Screen Details

Technology Stack

  • Kotlin
  • XML
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Real Time Database
  • Firebase ML Kit

Built with ❤️ by @IronClad1607, @vibhuvj27, @satvik1998, @Jagannath7, @vsargam02, @madhav3099