01. |
Maximum Sub Array |
November 28 |
02. |
Count the Number of Full Binary Trees |
November 29 |
03. |
Reorder List |
November 30 |
04. |
Rearrange Array Alternately |
December 01 |
05. |
if it is possible to convert one string into another with given constraints |
December 02 |
06. |
Aggressive Cows |
December 03 |
07. |
Alternate Vowel and Consonant String |
December 04 |
08. |
Shortest Path by Removing K walls |
December 05 |
09. |
Distance of nearest cell having 1 |
December 06 |
10. |
k-th smallest element in BST |
December 07 |
11. |
3 Divisors |
December 08 |
12. |
Black and White |
December 09 |
13. |
Build the smallest |
December 10 |
14. |
Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem |
December 11 |
15. |
Subarray with given sum |
December 12 |
16. |
Split Array Largest Sum |
December 13 |
17. |
Complement |
December 14 |
18. |
Balanced string |
December 15 |
19. |
2D Hopscotch |
December 16 |
20. |
Break a number |
December 17 |
21. |
A Game of LCM |
December 18 |
22. |
Alex Travelling |
December 19 |
23. |
A difference of values and indexes |
December 20 |
24. |
Absolute List Sorting |
December 21 |
25. |
Zero Sum Subarrays |
December 22 |
26. |
Burst Balloons |
December 23 |
27. |
Wine Buying and Selling |
December 24 |
28. |
Missing number in matrix |
December 25 |
29. |
Akku and Binary Numbers |
December 26 |
30. |
Container With Most |
December 27 |
31. |
Largest subtree sum in a tree |
December 28 |
32. |
Asteroid Collision |
December 29 |
33. |
Single valued subtree |
December 30 |
34. |
Find minimum number of Laptops required |
December 31 |
35. |
Count even length |
January 01 |
36. |
Maximum Value |
January 02 |
37. |
Minimize number of Students to be removed |
January 03 |
38. |
Maximum Profit By Choosing A Subset Of Intervals |
January 04 |
39. |
Find the longest string |
January 05 |
40. |
Shortest Prime Path |
January 06 |
41. |
Flattening a Linked List |
January 07 |
42. |
Absolute difference divisible by K |
January 08 |
43. |
Last modified ball |
January 09 |
44. |
Transform to Sum Tree |
January 10 |
45. |
Make array elements unique |
January 11 |
46. |
Minimize the sum |
January 12 |
47. |
Count Lucky Permutations |
January 13 |
48. |
Maximum Number of Toys |
January 14 |
49. |
Count the Substring |
January 15 |
50. |
Next Greater Element |
January 16 |
51. |
Find the maximum GCD of the siblings of a Binary Tree |
January 17 |
52. |
Find the first node of loop in linked list |
January 18 |
53. |
Carpet into Box |
January 19 |
54. |
Maximum Weight Node |
January 20 |
55. |
Minimum X (xor) A |
January 21 |
56. |
GCD Array |
January 22 |
57. |
Geeks And The String |
January 23 |
58. |
Convert an array to reduced form |
January 24 |
59. |
Type it! |
January 25 |
60. |
Case-specific Sorting of Strings |
January 26 |
61. |
Total Decoding Messages |
January 27 |
62. |
Scrambled String |
January 28 |
63. |
Min operations |
January 29 |
64. |
Select Nodes |
January 30 |
65. |
Minimum times A has to be repeated such that B is a substring of it |
January 31 |
66. |
Distinct Coloring |
February 01 |
67. |
Largest Sum Cycle |
February 02 |
68. |
Last cell in a Matrix |
February 03 |
69. |
Max Sum without Adjacents |
February 04 |
70. |
Intersection Point in Y Shaped Linked Lists |
February 05 |
71. |
BST Downward Traversal |
February 06 |
72. |
Length of the longest subarray with positive product |
February 07 |
73. |
Count number of free cell |
February 08 |
74. |
Maximum Bipartite Matching |
February 09 |
75. |
Balloon Everywhere |
February 10 |
76. |
Minimum Days |
February 11 |
77. |
Prime List |
February 12 |
78. |
Arithmetic Number |
February 13 |
79. |
Walls Coloring |
February 14 |
80. |
Geeks Island |
February 15 |
81. |
Good Stones |
February 16 |
82. |
Is it Fibonacci |
February 17 |
83. |
Apple Sequences |
February 18 |
84. |
Fixing Two swapped nodes of a BST |
February 19 |
85. |
Count Cyclic Paths |
February 20 |
86. |
Fill the Matrix |
February 21 |
87. |
Connect Nodes at Same Level |
February 22 |
88. |
Unique Paths in a Grid |
February 23 |
89. |
Shortest Path Using Atmost One Curved Edge |
February 24 |
90. |
Valid Compressed String |
February 25 |
91. |
Number of Good Components |
February 26 |
92. |
Reverse both parts |
February 27 |
93. |
Optimal Array |
February 28 |
94. |
Update Queries |
March 01 |
95. |
Walls Coloring II |
March 02 |
96. |
Cutting Rectangles |
March 03 |
97. |
Best Node |
March 04 |
98. |
Avoid Explosion |
March 05 |
99. |
Geek hates too many 1s |
March 06 |
100. |
Max Level Sum in Binary Tree |
March 07 |
101. |
Max min Height |
March 08 |
102. |
Find anagrams in linked list |
March 09 |
103. |
Maximum Triplet product |
March 10 |
104. |
Yet another query problem |
March 11 |
105. |
Binary matrix having maximum number of 1s |
March 12 |
106. |
Maximum Possible Value |
March 13 |
107. |
Maximum Number of coins |
March 14 |
108. |
Special Palindrome Substrings |
March 15 |
109. |
Second smallest number |
March 16 |
110. |
Number of Subarrays of 0's |
March 17 |
111. |
Median of the Subarrays |
March 18 |
112. |
Distinct Difference |
March 19 |
113. |
Shortest XY distance in Grid |
March 20 |
114. |
Taxi Booking |
March 21 |
115. |
String rp or pr |
March 22 |
116. |
BST Maximum Difference |
March 23 |
117. |
Remove and Reverse |
March 24 |
118. |
Redundant Parenthesis |
March 25 |
119. |
Frogs and Jumps |
March 26 |
120. |
Divide in Incremental Groups |
March 27 |
121. |
Shy Geek |
March 28 |
122. |
Count the Substrings |
March 29 |
123. |
Minimum Integer |
March 30 |
124. |
Even Swap |
March 31 |
125. |
Make Array Elements Equal |
April 01 |
126. |
Knight in Geekland |
April 02 |
127. |
Remainder on dividing by 11 |
April 03 |
128. |
Minimum Steps Required |
April 04 |
129. |
Count Special Numbers |
April 05 |
130. |
Equal Left and Right Subarray Sum |
April 06 |
131. |
Add Minimum Characters |
April 07 |
132. |
Make the array beautiful |
April 08 |
133. |
Special Digits |
April 09 |
134. |
Maximum Intersecting Lines |
April 10 |
135. |
Maximum Length |
April 11 |
136. |
Dominant Pairs |
April 12 |
137. |
Partition the Array |
April 13 |
138. |
Remove the balls |
April 14 |
139. |
Find Total Time Taken |
April 15 |
140. |
Unequal Arrays |
April 16 |
141. |
Job Sequencing Problem |
April 17 |
142. |
Minimum BST Sum Subtree |
April 18 |
143. |
Wifi Range |
April 19 |
144. |
Bheem Wants Ladoos |
April 20 |
145. |
Prefix Suffix String |
April 21 |
146. |
Smaller Sum |
April 22 |
147. |
Minimum Number |
April 23 |
148. |
Nearest smaller tower |
April 24 |
149. |
Game Of Subsets |
April 25 |
150. |
Seating Arrangement |
April 26 |
151. |
Easy Task |
April 27 |
152. |
Geek's Village and Wells |
April 28 |
153. |
Find Number |
April 29 |
154. |
Powerfull Integer |
April 30 |
155. |
Subtree In N-ary Tree |
May 01 |
156. |
Cake Distribution Problem |
May 02 |
157. |
Make Palindrome |
May 03 |
158. |
Max Coins |
May 04 |
159. |
Good Subtrees |
May 05 |
160. |
Another Coin Change Problem |
May 06 |
161. |
String Mirror |
May 07 |
162. |
Binary Modulo |
May 08 |
163. |
Count Binary Strings With No Consecutive 1s |
May 09 |
164. |
Total Cuts |
May 10 |
165. |
Palindrome with minimum sum |
May 11 |
166. |
Array Operations |
May 12 |
167. |
Bit Magic |
May 13 |
168. |
Maximum subset sum |
May 14 |
169. |
Count Total Setbits |
May 15 |
170. |
Cutting Binary String |
May 16 |
171. |
Trace Path |
May 17 |
172. |
Find number of closed islands |
May 18 |
173. |
Find k-th smallest element in given n ranges |
May 19 |
174. |
Hands of Straights |
May 20 |
175. |
Bus Conductor |
May 21 |
176. |
Tree Transformation |
May 22 |
177. |
Construct a Full Binary Tree |
May 23 |
178. |
Maximum Identical Bowls |
May 24 |
179. |
Expression Add Operators |
May 25 |
180. |
Express as sum of power of natural numbers |
May 26 |
181. |
Modify Linked List-1 |
May 27 |
182. |
Nth node from end of linked list |
May 28 |
183. |
CamelCase Pattern Matching |
May 29 |
184. |
Word Search |
May 30 |
185. |
Frequency Game |
May 31 |
186. |
Topological sort |
June 01 |
187. |
Santa Banta |
June 02 |
188. |
Find Maximum Equal sum of Three Stacks |
June 03 |
189. |
Reversing the equation |
June 04 |
190. |
Find the Closest Element in BST |
June 05 |
191. |
Predecessor and Successor |
June 06 |
192. |
Least Prime Factor |
June 07 |
193. |
Find Kth permutation |
June 08 |
194. |
Permutations of a given string |
June 09 |
195. |
Arranging the array |
June 10 |
196. |
Adding Ones |
June 11 |
197. |
Rod Cutting |
June 12 |
198. |
k largest elements |
June 13 |
199. |
Maximum Diamonds |
June 14 |
200. |
Longest Palindrome in a String |
June 15 |
201. |
Min Time |
June 16 |
202. |
Queue Operations |
June 17 |
203. |
Ticket Counter |
June 18 |
204. |
Rearrange an array with O(1) extra space |
June 19 |
205. |
Matchsticks game |
June 20 |
206. |
Reverse Coding |
June 21 |
207. |
Lemonade Change |
June 22 |
208. |
Task Scheduler |
June 23 |
209. |
Prefix match with other strings |
June 24 |
210. |
Unique rows in boolean matrix |
June 25 |
211. |
nCr |
June 26 |
212. |
Union of Two Linked Lists |
June 27 |
213. |
Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree |
June 28 |
214. |
Next Happy Number |
June 29 |
215. |
Is Binary Number Multiple of 3 |
June 30 |
216. |
Number of 1 Bits |
July 01 |
217. |
Copy Set Bits in Range |
July 02 |
218. |
Maximum Index |
July 03 |
219. |
Count the subarrays having product less than k |
July 04 |
220. |
Stock buy and sell II |
July 05 |
221. |
Quick Sort |
July 06 |
222. |
Merge Without Extra Space |
July 07 |
223. |
Find triplets with zero sum |
July 08 |
224. |
Smallest Positive missing number |
July 09 |
225. |
Transpose of Matrix |
July 10 |
226. |
Find kth element of spiral matrix |
July 11 |
227. |
Power Of Numbers |
July 12 |
228. |
Unique Number of Occurrences |
July 13 |
229. |
Implement two stacks in an array |
July 14 |
230. |
Delete middle element of a stack |
July 15 |
231. |
Queue Reversal |
July 16 |
232. |
First non-repeating character in a stream |
July 17 |
233. |
Longest Repeating Subsequence |
July 18 |
234. |
Longest Palindromic Subsequence |
July 19 |
235. |
Non Repeating Character |
July 20 |
236. |
Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size |
July 21 |
237. |
Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list |
July 22 |
238. |
Given a linked list of 0s, 1s and 2s, sort it |
July 23 |
239. |
Right View of Binary Tree |
July 24 |
240. |
Level order traversal in spiral form |
July 25 |
241. |
Kth Ancestor in a Tree |
July 26 |
242. |
Heap Sort |
July 27 |
243. |
Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST |
July 28 |
244. |
Median of BST |
July 29 |
245. |
Inorder Successor in BST |
July 30 |
246. |
BFS of graph |
July 31 |
247. |
DFS of Graph |
August 01 |
248. |
Shortest Source to Destination Path |
August 02 |
249. |
Shortest path in Directed Acyclic Graph |
August 03 |
250. |
Reverse a Stack |
August 04 |
251. |
Chocolate Distribution Problem |
August 05 |
252. |
String Permutations |
August 06 |
253. |
Solve the Sudoku |
August 07 |
254. |
Fraction pairs with sum 1 |
August 08 |
255. |
Largest prime factor |
August 09 |
256. |
Longest Common Subsequence |
August 10 |
257. |
Coin Change |
August 11 |
258. |
Longest Increasing Subsequence |
August 12 |
259. |
Nth Fibonacci Number |
August 13 |
260. |
Non Repeating Numbers |
August 14 |
261. |
Flip Bits |
August 15 |
262. |
Nth catalan number |
August 16 |
263. |
Next Smallest Palindrome |
August 17 |
264. |
Leaders in an array |
August 18 |
265. |
Subarray with given sum |
August 19 |
266. |
Number of occurrence |
August 20 |
267. |
Surround the 1's |
August 21 |
268. |
Make Matrix Beautiful |
August 22 |
269. |
Find the string in grid |
August 23 |
270. |
Multiply two strings |
August 24 |
271. |
Palindrome String |
August 25 |
272. |
Longest K unique characters substring |
August 26 |
273. |
Reverse a String |
August 27 |
274. |
Remove duplicate element from sorted Linked List |
August 28 |
275. |
Delete nodes having greater value on right |
August 29 |
276. |
Delete a Node in Single Linked List |
August 30 |
277. |
AVL Tree Deletion |
August 31 |
278. |
Leftmost and rightmost nodes of binary tree |
September 01 |
279. |
Leaf under budget |
September 02 |
280. |
Check if Tree is Isomorphic |
September 03 |
281. |
Replace O's with X's |
September 04 |
282. |
Print adjacency list |
September 05 |
283. |
Mother Vertex |
September 06 |
284. |
Minimum Multiplications to reach End |
September 07 |
285. |
Binary Tree to BST |
September 08 |
286. |
Kth largest element in BST |
September 09 |
287. |
Insert a node in a BST |
September 10 |
288. |
Lucky Numbers |
September 11 |
289. |
Perfect Numbers |
September 12 |
290. |
Largest number possible |
September 13 |
291. |
Perfect Sum Problem |
September 14 |
292. |
Partition Equal Subset Sum |
September 15 |
293. |
Count number of hops |
September 16 |
294. |
Print first n Fibonacci Numbers |
September 17 |
295. |
Power of 2 |
September 18 |
296. |
Find first set bit |
September 19 |
297. |
Rotate Bits |
September 20 |
298. |
Stickler Thief |
September 21 |
299. |
First and last occurrences of x |
September 22 |
300. |
Equilibrium Point |
September 23 |
301. |
Find duplicates in an array |
September 24 |
302. |
Maximum Sum Combination |
September 25 |
303. |
Find All Four Sum Numbers |
September 26 |
304. |
Find the closest pair from two arrays |
September 27 |
305. |
Wave Array |
September 28 |
306. |
Number Of Enclaves |
September 29 |
307. |
Boolean Matrix |
September 30 |
308. |
Boundary traversal of matrix |
October 01 |
309. |
Number of distinct subsequences |
October 02 |
310. |
Column name from a given column number |
October 03 |
311. |
Roman Number to Integer |
October 04 |
312. |
Count number of substrings |
October 05 |
313. |
Reverse alternate nodes in Link List |
October 06 |
314. |
Pairwise swap elements of a linked list |
October 07 |
315. |
Insert in a Sorted List |
October 08 |
316. |
Height of Binary Tree |
October 09 |
317. |
Nodes at given distance in binary tree |
October 10 |
318. |
Check for Balanced Tree |
October 11 |
319. |
Duplicate subtree in Binary Tree |
October 12 |
320. |
Floor in BST |
October 13 |
321. |
Find Common Nodes in two BSTs |
October 14 |
322. |
Normal BST to Balanced BST |
October 15 |
323. |
Making A Large Island |
October 16 |
324. |
Transitive closure of a Graph |
October 17 |
325. |
Eventual Safe States |
October 18 |
326. |
Level of Nodes |
October 19 |
327. |
Form a number divisible by 3 using array digits |
October 20 |
328. |
Sum of all divisors from 1 to n |
October 21 |
329. |
Number of paths |
October 22 |
330. |
Maximum sum increasing subsequence |
October 23 |
331. |
Palindromic Partitioning |
October 24 |
332. |
Knapsack with Duplicate Items |
October 25 |
333. |
Minimum Operations |
October 26 |
334. |
Minimum Deletions |
October 27 |
335. |
Bleak Numbers |
October 28 |
336. |
Check whether K-th bit is set or not |
October 29 |
337. |
Sum of XOR of all pairs |
October 30 |
338. |
Move all zeroes to end of array |
October 31 |
339. |
Frequencies of Limited Range Array Elements |
November 01 |
340. |
Minimum distance between two numbers |
November 02 |
341. |
Pythagorean Triplet |
November 03 |
342. |
Find Transition Point |
November 04 |
343. |
Top K Frequent Elements in Array |
November 05 |
344. |
Letters Collection |
November 06 |
345. |
Sum of upper and lower triangles |
November 07 |
346. |
Print Matrix in snake Pattern |
November 08 |
347. |
Predict the Column |
November 09 |
348. |
Number following a pattern |
November 10 |
349. |
Isomorphic Strings |
November 11 |
350. |
Check if string is rotated by two places |
November 12 |
351. |
Shortest Common Supersequence |
November 13 |
352. |
Check if strings are rotations of each other or not |
November 14 |
353. |
Better String |
November 15 |
354. |
Find the String |
November 16 |
355. |
Binary Tree to CDLL |
November 17 |
356. |
Reverse a Doubly Linked List |
November 18 |
357. |
Intersection of two sorted Linked lists |
November 19 |
358. |
K Sum Paths |
November 20 |
359. |
Determine if Two Trees are Identical |
November 21 |
360. |
Symmetric Tree |
November 22 |
361. |
AVL Tree Insertion |
November 23 |
362. |
Pascal Triangle |
November 24 |
363. |
Shuffle integers |
November 25 |
364. |
Print Pattern |
November 26 |
365. |
Detect Cycle using DSU |
November 27 |
366. |
Sum of dependencies in a graph |
November 28 |
367. |
Euler circuit and Path |
November 29 |
368. |
Shortest path from 1 to n |
November 30 |
369. |
Check whether BST contains Dead End |
December 01 |
370. |
Inorder Traversal and BST |
December 02 |
371. |
Brothers From Different Roots |
December 03 |
372. |
Sum-string |
December 04 |
373. |
Minimize the Heights II |
December 05 |
374. |
How Many X's? |
December 06 |
375. |
Number of subarrays with maximum values in given range |
December 07 |
376. |
Transform to prime |
December 08 |
377. |
Smith Number |
December 09 |
378. |
Subarray with 0 sum |
December 10 |
379. |
Max Sum Subarray of size K |
December 11 |
380. |
Gold Mine Problem |
December 12 |
381. |
Consecutive 1's not allowed |
December 13 |
382. |
Painting the Fence |
December 14 |
383. |
Reach the Nth point |
December 15 |
384. |
String's Count |
December 16 |
385. |
Max Sum without Adjacents |
December 17 |
386. |
Game of XOR |
December 18 |
387. |
Rightmost different bit |
December 19 |
388. |
Modified Game of Nim |
December 20 |
389. |
Candy |
December 21 |
390. |
Maximum Meetings in One Room |
December 22 |
391. |
Count More than n/k Occurences |
December 23 |
392. |
Buy Maximum Stocks if i stocks can be bought on i-th day |
December 24 |
393. |
Determinant of a Matrix |
December 25 |
394. |
Largest rectangular sub-matrix whose sum is 0 |
December 26 |
395. |
Anti Diagonal Traversal of Matrix |
December 27 |
396. |
Wildcard string matching |
December 28 |
397. |
Check if a string is repetition of its substring of k-length |
December 29 |
398. |
Winner of an election |
December 30 |
399. |
New Year Resolution |
December 31 |