An NPM wrapper for PhantomJS, headless webkit with JS API.
Building and Installing
npm install phantomjs
Or grab the source and
node ./install.js
What this is really doing is just grabbing a particular "blessed" (by this module) version of Phantom. As new versions of Phantom are released and vetted, this module will be updated accordingly.
The package has been set up to fetch and run Phantom for MacOS (darwin), Linux based platforms (as identified by nodejs), and -- as of version 0.2.0 -- Windows (thanks to Domenic Denicola). If you spot any platform weirdnesses, let us know or send a patch.
bin/phantom [phantom arguments]
And npm will install a link to the binary in node_modules/.bin
it is wont to do.
Running via node
The package exports a path
string that contains the path to the
phantomjs binary/executable.
Below is an example of using this package via node.
var childProcess = require('child_process')
var phantomjs = require('phantomjs')
var binPath = phantomjs.path
var childArgs = [
path.join(__dirname, 'phantomjs-script.js'),
'some other argument (passed to phantomjs script)'
childProcess.execFile(binPath, childArgs, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
// handle results
The NPM package version tracks the version of PhantomJS that will be installed, with an additional build number that is used for revisions to the installer.
As such 1.8.0-1
will 1.8.0-2
will both install PhantomJs 1.8 but the latter
has newer changes to the installer.
A Note on PhantomJS
PhantomJS is not a library for NodeJS. It's a separate environment and code written for node is unlikely to be compatible. In particular PhantomJS does not expose a Common JS package loader.
This is an NPM wrapper and can be used to conveniently make Phantom available It is not a Node JS wrapper.
I have had reasonable experiences writing standalone Phantom scripts which I then drive from within a node program by spawning phantom in a child process.
Read the PhantomJS FAQ for more details:
Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Submit them at the project on GitHub. If you haven't contributed to an Obvious project before please head over to the Open Source Project and fill out an OCLA (it should be pretty painless).
Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests.
Dan Pupius (personal website), supported by The Obvious Corporation.
Copyright 2012 The Obvious Corporation.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See the top-level file LICENSE.txt