
This project generates a website analyzing weather data visualizations and data generated in the Python API Challenge. The final website can be viewed here: City Latitude


To run this project the following tools are needed:

  • Web browser
  • Python (tested with v3.85, earlier versions may work as well, but have not been tested)
  • Jupyter Notebooks and/or Jupyter Labs
  • Anaconda is recommended though library dependencies can be installed individually as well.
  • Node/npm


  • Clone the respository
  • Open index.html in a web browser
  • Explore the world of latitude vs other weather phenomenon

Font Awesome

FontAwesome dependencies are included in the repo. To optionally upgrade:

  • Run npm install to install the latest Font Awesome icons
    • Copy node_modules/fontawesome-free/css/all.css to css/all.css


CSV Data can be upgraded using the Jupyter notebook in Resources/data/CSVDataExporter.ipynb. It can then be copied into data.html overwriting the existing data. Note some styling may need to be readded to avoid any issues.

  • Run npm install to install the latest Font Awesome icons
    • Copy node_modules/fontawesome-free/css/all.css to css/all.css

Known Issues

  • Currently FontAwesome files have to manually be copied from node_modules to the css directory. This could be integrated into a build process.
  • Data table scrolling is not currently functioning on smaller screens
