Scripts (# REQUIRES PYTHON 2.7 TO EXECUTE) ======= Following scripts can be found in the "Code" folder - Used to load CPTs in to memory - Returns belief of NAOs position - Returns weighted distribution for location given evidence - Fixes the first two issues (See last section) with sensor data generated by the tornado team - Generates CPTs from sensor data, while accounting for 0 to 360 deg correction for 0 to 320 in the original data - generates transition probabilities - Single step transition Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs) ============================== Following csv files can be found in the "Data" folder landmark.csv - CPT for Landmark Node sensorLeft.csv - CPT for Left Sonar Node sensorRight.csv - CPT for Right Sonar Node probabilities.txt - CPT for transition probabilities Other CPTs created but not used: position_transition_probabilities.csv - Transition probability of change of state only Rows: User action input state 0 to 8 (top to bottom order) Columns: Recorded resulting state 0 to 8 (left to right order) orientation_transition_probabilities.csv - Transition probability of change in orientation only Rows: User action input Orientation L(-90deg), R(90), S(0) (top to bottom order) Columns: Recorded resulting Orientation L, R, S (left to right order) How to interpret CPTs? landmark.csv - The last column in this csv file is the probability of landmark detection sonarLeft.csv - All columns (excluding first three) index probability for detection of respective sonar values sonarRight.csv - All columns (excluding first three) index probability for detection of respective sonar values probabilities.txt - All rows indicate different actions given by the user (order top to bottom: 0L, 0R, 0S, 1L, 1R, ..., 8S) All columns indicate various recorded resulting positions and orientations (order left to right: 0L, 0R, 0S, 1L, 1R, ..., 8S) How to load the CPTs in scripts? import and call ReadInCPTs function from it. This returns SonarLeft, SonarRight,Landmark and Transition CPTs and also Location, Angle data for indexing. Other files: ============ location.csv, angle.csv - Used only for indexing purposes readings_tornadoes_001.csv - Tornado team data used for training Issues fixed with tornado team's data: ===================================== Following issue were noticed by observing the tornado team's code and were accounted for in and 1) Each time the robot moved to an adjacent row the column number would reset too. According to the sequence executed by the tornado team, this was not supposed to happen. 2) After moving to the adjacent column the robot would be facing 108deg from its heading in the previous column. This was not accounted for. 3) The tornado team recorded 0 t0 360 deg data as 0 to 320. This was done because the NAO robot seems to rotate a complete 360 deg when a command for 320 was given.