Thank you for your attention to our work. The relevant code will be released soon.

Affective Dialogic Datasets

Dataset Language Modality Dialogues Utterances Emotion annotation Download link
IEMOCAP English video, audio, text 151 7433 10 emotions IEMOCAP
MELD English video, audio, text 1433 13708 7 emotions, 3 sentiments MELD
Dailydialog English text 13118 102979 7 emotions Dailydialog
EmoryNLP English text 897 12606 7 emotions EmoryNLP
SEMAIN English video 959 - 4 dimensions SEMAIN
EmotionLines English text 2000 29245 7 emotions EmotionLines
Mastodon English text 535 2217 3 sentiments, 27 acts Mastodon
EmoInt-MD English video, audio, text 32223 724756 32 emotions, 15 intents EmoInt-MD
SEMD English video, audio, text 55041 1066677 8 emotions, 3 sentiments -
CICERO English text 5672 - 5 inferences CICERO
MEISD English video, audio, text 1000 20000 8 emotions, 3 sentiments MEISD
CPED Chinese video, audio, text 12000 133000 13 emotions, 3 sentiments CPED
M3ED Chinese video, audio, text 990 24449 7 emotions M3ED

Thank you again for your interest in our research work! This is repo for paper: 《A survey of dialogic emotion analysis: Developments, approaches and perspectives》