A web application to set a timer or stopwatch along with some customisation provided. The main features are:
- Timer and stopwatch available without registration
- Customised timers for registered users
- OAuth authentication and registration by Facebook
- Administration module to gather the users' statistics
- MongoDB as a default DB model provider (more about database)
- Prerendering for better SEO (a detailed description of my approach)
The application is dependent on Node.js (and its npm utility) (more about its version) along with MongoDB (more about its version).
Before starting the application all its dependencies must be installed by running a command from inside the WebTimer directory (where there is a file package.json): npm install. Building and starting the project is possible by using configurations inside VS Code: Debug Build or Prod Build. The configurations already have some environment variables set up in a file .vscode/launch.json, however, some parameters require revision in accordance to a local environment (more about configuring in the configuration section below).
To turn on debugging while testing there is a script available in package.json: npm run debug-test. After running the command it's possible to join the process in Google Chrome through the url: chrome://inspect. A directive debugger should be used for break points in tests.
The first user registered in the application will be granted the role of an administrator.
- express 4.16.3
- Vue 2.5.16
- vue-router 3.0.1
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- jQuery 3.4.1
- Mongoose 5.7.5
- mocha 7.1.1
- Passport 0.4.0
- passport-facebook-token 3.3.0
- body-parser 1.18.2
- Multiple Select 1.2.1
- Nodemailer 4.6.7
- escape-html 1.0.3
- helmet 3.21.3
Icons made by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com are licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Node.js 16.14.0
- MongoDB 3.6.2
- The project was developed in MS Visual Studio 2017 Community (the product page) and Visual Studio Code
Developing the application in VS 2017 Community requires turning on the Node.js development component while installing. Additionally, Node JS Tools is a requirement.
The developer computer has to have an access to a MongoDB server installed to deploy the database (more about database).
The stages to deploy the application in a docker container by command prompt:
- Build the solution by choosing an option Run Build Task -> build-prod when clicking F1 in VS Code or by running a command from the WebTimer folder: npm run build
- Run a command in the root folder of the project where the Dockerfile file is available (including the dot at the end): docker build -t webtimer .
- Before the usage of the docker stack deploy command a swarm has to be initialised: docker swarm init
- Since the application relies on secret values they have to be entered the next way: echo SECRET_VALUE|docker secret create SECRET_NAME - The list of all the possible secrets can be found in the docker-compose.yml file (more about them in the configuration section below).
- In the same directory where the docker-compose.yml file lies run a command: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml webtimer
Here is an example of how the application can be deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine.
All preferences are set in config.js inside the WebTimer directory. Each option supplemented with a secret parameter can also be determined through an environment variable with the same name for purposes of developing. The structure of the settings is next:
- URLs for databases: db.uri and db.testUri are distinct in names for the main and test databases respectively, whereas the host for MongoDB is determined through an environment variable MONGO_HOST or mongodb://localhost:27017/ by default
- Parameters for the Facebook authentication: auth.facebook.clientId and auth.facebook.secretId (both are set by secrets AUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID and AUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET accordingly)
- To set a path to a certificate in a pfx-format along with its password when running the application on HTTPS: server.pfx.path (an environment variable SERVER_PFX_PATH or 1.pfx by default) and server.pfx.password (a secret SERVER_PFX_PASSWORD). An environment variable SERVER_USE_HTTP set to true makes it possible to run the application without the certificate
- server.url is the main web address for the application that comprises a host name and port (environment variables SERVER_HOST or by default and SERVER_PORT or 3443 by default)
- server.externalUrl works as a public url for cases when it is different from the previous one (e.g., the application was deployed in a docker container) and it is required to give a link to the applciation (e.g., in emails); the external address also accepts a host name and port (environment variables SERVER_EXTERNAL_HOST and SERVER_EXTERNAL_PORT or 443 by default)
- For sending automatic email messages: mail.host (an environment variable MAIL_HOST), mail.port (an environment variable MAIL_SECURE_PORT or 465), mail.auth.user (an environment variable MAIL_AUTH_USER) and mail.auth.pass (a secret MAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD). The mechanism works out as long as the host and authentication options are set up
- Parameters to store additional information: about.website (an environment variable ABOUT_WEBSITE) determines a URL for a home site on the about page
- logger to define a console logger with the next logging levels: error (by defult), warn, info (an environmental variable LOGGER_LEVEL)
Public API methods working for anonymous visitors:
- GET programs/default returns programs available by default without registration: [{ name, userId, stages: [order, duration, descr], active, audioBetweenStages }]
- GET modules sends static script files
- GET modules/about to read basic contact information from the configuration: { email, website } (more about configuring)
Some API methods are for authenticated users and that's why they require a Facebook token as a header Authorization: Bearer [token]. The methods:
- POST auth/logIn updates the user's login time and returns whether the user is an administrator { hasAdminRole }; provided it's a new user it sends an email to them if the respective preferences are set (more about configuring)
- GET programs to get a user's customised programs through an object { programs: { _id, name, userId, stages: [order, duration, descr], active, audioBetweenStages }, schemaRestrictions }, where schemaRestrictions describes restrictions imposed by the program schema
- POST programs updates the user's program list: { deletedIds: [], updated: [{ _id, name, userId, stages: [order, duration, descr], active, audioBetweenStages }], created: [{ _id, name, userId, stages: [order, duration, descr], active, audioBetweenStages }] }, then it redirects to GET programs
- GET programs/active returns the list of the user's active programs: [{ _id, name, userId, stages: [order, duration, descr], active }]
- GET users/profile to get the user's preferences: { hideDefaultPrograms } - the sole option determines whether only active customised timers should be shown (if there are such available) or all timer programs including default ones
- POST users/profile accepts the user's only option to update: { hideDefaultPrograms }
- DELETE users/profile after removal sends an email to the user if the respective preferences are set (more about configuring)
The user must be an administrator to have access to the methods:
- GET users accepts an object for sorting and filtering its outcome: { query: { page || 1, searchFor, sortField || 'name', sortDirection || -1 } }; returns { queryFilter: { page, searchFor, sortField, sortDirection }, curUserId, users: [_id, name, administrator, location, gender, lastLogin, createdAt, activeProgramCount], pageCount }
- POST users/adminSwitch switch the user's administrative right; thereafter it sends an email to the user if the respective preferences are set (more about configuring)
The project database is built upon MongoDB (more about its version). A default database server address used in the application is mongodb://localhost:27017/.
There are 2 tables altogether:
- User stores users' data such as: name, gender, location, email, preferences, etc.
- Program keeps all information about users' customised timers (with a name and 2 boolean properties: active and audioBetweenStages (should play a sound during a stage shift)) and their stages in an included schema (a duration, description and order)