
On Time Presence is an app that consists of a Pomodoro and an alarm clock that helps you complete your tasks on time!

Primary LanguagePython


We have created an app that uses a traditional learning method widely known as " POMODORO TECHNIQUE" . We have also included an alarm clock in this app. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.In this method we decide on a task and set a timer for 25 mins and work on it.Once the timer stops we take a 5 min break. After we do this for 4 times straight ,we take a long 30 minute break.

The idea behind the technique is that the timer instills a sense of urgency. Rather than feeling like you have endless time in the workday to get things done and then ultimately squandering those precious work hours on distractions, you know you only have 25 minutes to make as much progress on a task as possible.With many surprising benefits, people never expect the uplift in productivity they experience from the pomodoro technique.

It is an effective way to achieve a balance between quantity and quality, and all you have to do is focus for 25 minutes at a time. This method helps us to finish our work faster and more efficiently without any distraction. An alarm clock is a clock designed to alert an individual or a group of individuals at a specific time. Our app meets the same demands too.

We have created these two utilities using python and its packages such as tkinter, time, winsound, etc. We have created a user-friendly GUI where the user can use the pomodoro clock as per their wish and the alarm clock too.

This is the Home page. Here we input the name and the main focus for today from the user.


Pomodoro feature in this App pops up in front of all the windows once the time is up.



The Alarm clock enables the user to input the time and also displays the IST.


We have used Python for this project to convert this file into an executable file, so you dont have to run the program everytime to use this feature, you can directly open it using the executable file ! :) (Download the dist folder to run the executable file)