IH Christmas project

Let's create a simple blog to practise CRUD with express!

Live demo: https://ih-christmass-project.herokuapp.com/

Project setup

Your project MUST follow this structure. You'll need to create files manually :).

├── README.md
├── app.js
├── config
│   └── routes.config.js
├── controllers
│   └── posts.controller.js
├── models
│   └── post.model.js
├── package.json
├── public
│   └── stylesheets
│       └── style.css
└── views
    ├── layout.hbs
    ├── partials
    │   └── navbar.hbs
    └── posts
        ├── detail.hbs
        ├── edit.hbs
        ├── list.hbs
        └── new.hbs

You'll need to install (and configure) express, hbs, morgan and nodemon npm dependencies and use app.js as your main program file.

Your project MUST respond to the following npm commands:

  • npm run dev
  • npm start


Your web site MUST use the following HTTP routes:

  • GET /posts: render the list of posts.
  • GET /posts/:id: render post detail.
  • GET /posts/new: render HTML form to create a new post.
  • POST /posts: create a new post and redirect to post detail.
  • GET /posts/:id/edit: render HTML form to edit post.
  • POST /posts/:id: edit post and redirect to post detail.
  • POST /posts/:id/delete: delete post and redirect to posts list.

Post model

We provide the Post class as an interface to manipulate an (in-memory) array of posts.

You don't need to modify this file.

import models/post.model.js file and use it's API:

  • find(): returns a Promise with the array of posts.
  • create(post): receives post object, returns a Promise with the created post (or error).
  • findById(id): receives id string, returns a Promise with the target post (or error).
  • findByIdAndDelete(id): receives id string, returns a Promise with the deleted post (or error).
  • findByIdAndUpdate(id, post): receives id string and post update object. returns a Promise with the updated post (or error).


use hbs to create your UI. It MUST contain the following content:

  • Menu to navigate between site sections
  • Home page
  • List of posts
  • Buttons to edit/delete posts
  • Link to visit post detail
  • Form (with validation) to create/edit post
  • Layout
  • Some custom CSS

Good luck!