
Coordinate conversion code using Ensembl Perl API

Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ensembl API Coordinate Conversion

This repository is part of exercise on Ensemble Perl API usage. Here, code to convert human genome assembly latest release GRCh38 from chromosome coordinate system to same system and region but different version is given.

The exercise target is to convert chromosome 10's seq no 25 to 30 coordinates (in GRCh38 version) to GRCh37 coordinate version in the same chromosome 10 region.

Tested Environment

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Bash shell
  • Perl v5.26.1
  • Ensembl API version 104


Ensembl Perl API install

Follow this youtube video instruction. Written instruction can be found in this link from ensembl official documentation site.

Other Installation

Ensembl API use Perl API to extract data from mysql database. For that you may need to install some extra library

sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl


Provided script can report mapping of GRCh38 sequence coordinate to any valid coordinate system,version. If no conversion is available for the target system:version, it will print nothing.

To run the script as executable, first set the script file executable permission

chmod +x coordinate_conv.pl

Then run like following,

./coordinate_conv.pl <chromosome number> <start coordinate in GRCh38> <end coordinate in GRChh38> <new coordinate system name> <new coordinate version>

If executable permission cannot be given run like following,

perl coordinate_conv.pl <chromosome number> <start coordinate in GRCh38> <end coordinate in GRChh38> <new coordinate system name> <new coordinate version>

Example Usage

If we want to get mapping report of chromosome 10's seq 25 to 30 (inclusive, in GRCh38 version) to chromosome coordinate system version GRCh37 in same chromosome 10, the inputs will be,

  • chromosome number = 10
  • start coordinate in GRCh38 = 25
  • end coordinate in GRCh38 = 30
  • new coordinate system name = chromosome
  • new coordinate version = GRCh37

The cmd will be

./coordinate_conv.pl 10 25 30 chromosome GRCh37

or if not executable

perl coordinate_conv.pl 10 25 30 chromosome GRCh37


If no mapping found

No mapping of chromosome:GRCh38 to chromosome:<new coordinate version>  is found to the same region for seq <seq start in GRCh38>-<seq end in GRCh38>

If mapping found

Features current coords <continusous seq start>-<continusous seq start> project onto clone coords <region name>:<mapped sequence start>-<mapped sequence end>

There may be multiple of such lines which report continous stretch of mapping

Exceptions Cases

  • Invalid coordinate version name is provided
-------------------- EXCEPTION --------------------
MSG: Cannot transform to unknown coordinate system [chromosome <provided version name>]
  • If Chromosome number value is invalid, no exception will be thrown but nothing will print and warning will be shown
-------------------- WARNING ----------------------
MSG: Feature cannot be projected without attached slice.
Can't call method "coord_system" on an undefined value at ./coordinate_conv.pl line 46

Exercise Answer

Run the script like following

./coordinate_conv.pl 10 25 30 chromosome GRCh37

As nothing is printed, 25-30 sequence can not be mapped to same region of chromosome in GRCh37 assembly release. From experiment it is further seen that it can not be mapped to any region of GRCh37 assembly.