This repository contains the files for my course project for the Coursera class "Getting and Cleaning Data". There are two files in addition to this README:
run_analysis.R is an R script that will output the file "mean_values.txt", which shows the average value of certain variables for each activity/subject combination from the original data sets. contains a list of all the variable names used in "mean_values.txt", and it explains the meaning of each variable name.
Instructions for running this code:
- If you don't already have the data files downloaded for this project, download them here: and unzip the folder.
- Open R and set the working directory to the folder containing the data files.
- Run the script "run_analysis.R" (this will take a few minutes on slower computers)
- This will create a file "mean_values.txt", which should be the same as what I submitted in part 1 of the assignment.