
Schematics for generating a .NET + Angular monorepo that supports a core Angular library and multiple Angular apps.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Offline Platform Schematics

Documentation can be found in the docs sub-directory.


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Required App Installations

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Globally Install Tools

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# verify if npm dependencies are installed
npm list -g --depth 0

# install the latest versions
npm i -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli @angular/cli cypress

# install cypress binaries
cypress install

# verify if dotnet-ef tool is installed
dotnet tool list --global

# install if no present
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

# install the latest version if present
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef

Getting Started

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Initialize a Project

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  1. Clone this repository to your local environment with git clone https://github.com/JaimeStill/offline-platform

  2. Open a PowerShell terminal at the location where this repository is cloned.

  3. Run the following to initialize a project using the app platform:

    # install dependencies
    npm i
    # build the schematics
    npm run build
    # initialize a project
    schematics .:platform {name} --serverName={serverName} --debug=false
    # example
    schematics .:platform demo --serverName=Demo --debug=false

For a list of all of the available options, see src/platform/schema.json.

Once the project is initialized, you will need to do the following:

  1. Change directory into the folder created for your project.

  2. Run npm i --offline to install dependencies.

    • This will install node_modules dependencies from the node_cache directory.
  3. Run npm run build to build the core library.

You can find all of the available scripts in the package.json of the workspace. The following is a description of the available scripts:

Script Executes Description
npm run build ng build core Build the core library used by the Angular apps
npm run restore dotnet restore ./server -s nuget-packages Restores NuGet packages from the cached nuget-packages folder in each server project.
npm run seed dotnet run --project ./server/{Project}.DbCli -- "Dev" Seed the dev database using the DbCli server project. The seeding logic is executed in server/{Project}.DbCli/Program.cs, which initializes services and calls their Seed method.
npm run start-server dotnet run --project ./server/{Project}.Web Starts the .NET server for the workspace
npm run update-db dotnet ef database update -s ./server/{Project}.Web Apply the latest EF migrations to the database
npm run start-docs ng serve docs Starts the Angular documentation project built into the workspace
npm run start-{app} ng serve {app} Starts the specified Angular application
npm run watch ng build core --watch Builds the core library and watches for changes. This enables hot reloading for the library when modifications are made during development.
npm run watch-server dotnet watch run --project ./server/{Project}.Web Starts the .NET server for the workspace in watch mode. Any modifications to the server files will trigger a rebuild and reload automatically.

To add content to the docs project, add Markdown files to the /server/{Project}.Web/wwwroot/docs directory in any folder structure you prefer.

Add an App to the Workspace

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  1. From the root of the project workspace (where the angular.json file is located), open a PowerShell terminal.

  2. Run the following command:

ng g {relative path to platform/src}:collection.json {name} --port={port}

# example
ng g ../../../platform/src:collection.json items --port=3001

For a list of all of the available options, see src/app/schema.json

This will create a new folder with the name provided in the ./client directory of your workspace.

After the app is added to the workspace, you need to add the debug URL to the CorsOrigins array specified in the ./server/{Project}.Web/appsettings.Development.json file. See appsettings.Development.json.

You can run the newly added app by executing npm run start-{name}. For example, npm run start-items.