
A library to add heatmaps (using heatmap.js) to the Cesium framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A library to add heatmaps (using heatmap.js and Cesium.Entity.Rectangle or Cesium.SingleTileImageryProvider) to the Cesium framework.

To use this on your page do the following:

  • Import the CesiumHeatmap.js file into your page using the <script> tag. This file includes heatmap.js.
  • Initialize a CesiumHeatmap instance using the CesiumHeatmap.create() call. See the function in the code for more information on parameters.
  • Add the data points to the CesiumHeatmap instance using the instance.setData() or more likely instance.setWGS84Data(). See the functions in the code for more information on the parameters.
  • After new data is added to the CesiumHeatmap instance it will automatically show/update the layer.


A library to add heatmaps (using heatmap.js) to the Cesium framework using a custom Cesium.ImageryProvider.

To use this on your page do the following:

  • Follow the steps in the comment on the first few lines of the file to add the class to Cesium.
  • Create a HeatmapImageryProvider instance like so: new Cesium.HeatmapImageryProvider(). See the function in the code for more information on the parameters.
  • Add the instance to the widget.scene.imageryLayers list like so: var layer = widget.scene.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(instance). After this you can use layer like any other layer in Cesium.