
React Native app leveraging Expo and TMDB API for real-time movie data, offering users access to the latest, trending, and upcoming movies with a seamless search feature and a smooth UI enhanced by 3D effects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movies App 2024 Project:

inApp Screenshots:

Collage 1

Collage 2

1. Splash/Loading Screen


2. Home Screen


3. Movie/TV Screen


4. Person Screen


5. Horizontal Scroll Animation


6. Vertical Scroll Animation


7. Genre Screen with Pagination


8. App Navigation Stack Based Infinitely


9. Drawer Navigation


10. Search Screen with Results


11. Favorite Screen


12. Home Stack and Favorite Stack with different Workflow

Favourite Tab will always goes to Main Screen, However, Home Screen will stay at specific stack. On DoubleClick, it Resets the Home Stack.


13. Go Back twice to exit App


& Many More...

Technologies Used

This project leverages the following technologies:

  • React Native: For building the mobile application using JavaScript.
  • Expo: A framework and platform for universal React applications.
  • React Navigation: For navigation and routing in the app.
  • Axios: Promise based HTTP client for making requests to fetch or save data.
  • Expo Image: Used to replace the default <Image> component with an optimized, extendable image component for better performance and additional features.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for styling applications.
  • Nativewind: To integrate Tailwind CSS with React Native for styling.
  • Expo Linear Gradient: Provides a component to render linear gradients.
  • React Native Progress: An easy-to-use progress bar for React Native.
  • React Native Snap Carousel: A snappy carousel component for React Native.
  • Additional Libraries: Including but not limited to various UI elements, utilities, and more to enhance app functionality and user experience.

Each technology was selected for its proven reliability, ease of use, and compatibility with the project's goals.