
Coding Test for the position Java Full Stack Developer spot at Wilmington DE for contact with HireGenics

Primary LanguageJava

Inventory Management

Code test for HireGenics

Mr. X owns a store that sells almost everything you think about. Now he wants a inventory management system to manage his inventory. Mr. X feels that controlling his inventory through SMS from his mobile will be revolutionary. So as a prequel, he decides that he wants a system that accepts one line commands and performs the respective operation.

Below is the list of commands he needs in the system:

a) create itemName costPrice sellingPrice Whenever Mr. X wants to add a new item to his store he issues a create command. This command creates a new item in the inventory with the given cost price and selling price. The prices are rounded off to two decimal places.

b) delete itemName If Mr. X decides not to sell an item anymore, then he simply issues a delete command. This command will remove the item from the inventory.

c) updateBuy itemName quantity Whenever Mr. X purchases additional quantity of the mentioned item, then he issues a updateBuy command. This command should increase the quantity of the mentioned item.

d) updateSell itemName quantity Whenever Mr. X sells some item, then he issues a updateSell command. This command should deduct the quantity of the mentioned item.

e) report Whenever Mr. X wants to view his inventory list he issues the report command. This command should print the current inventory details in the specified format sorted by alphabetical order. Apart from printing the inventory it has to report on the profit made by Mr. X since last report generation. Where profit is calculated by: ∑ (sellingPrice-costPrice) of the sold items multiplied by no. of items sold- costPrice of the deleted items.

Sample Input

create Book01 10.50 13.79
create Food01 1.47 3.98
create Med01 30.63 34.29
create Tab01 57.00 84.98
updateBuy Tab01 100
updateSell Tab01 2
updateBuy Food01 500
updateBuy Book01 100
updateBuy Med01 100
updateSell Food01 1
updateSell Food01 1
updateSell Tab01 2
delete Book01
updateSell Tab01 5
create Mobile01 10.51 44.56
updateBuy Mobile01 250
updateSell Food01 5
updateSell Mobile01 4
updateSell Med01 10

Sample Input

create Book01 10.50 13.79
create Food01 1.47 3.98
create Med01 30.63 34.29
create Tab01 57.00 84.98
updateBuy Tab01 100
updateSell Tab01 2
updateBuy Food01 500
updateBuy Book01 100
updateBuy Med01 100
updateSell Food01 1
updateSell Food01 1
updateSell Tab01 2
delete Book01
updateSell Tab01 5
create Mobile01 10.51 44.56
updateBuy Mobile01 250
updateSell Food01 5
updateSell Mobile01 4
updateSell Med01 10

Expected Output

              	INVENTORY REPORT
Item Name 	Bought At    	Sold At       	AvailableQty    	Value
--------- 	---------    	-------       	-----------     	-------
Book01    	10.50          	13.79               	100    	    1050.00
Food01     	1.47           	3.98               	    498     	732.06
Med01     	30.63          	34.29               	100    	    3063.00
Tab01     	57.00          	84.98                	96    	    5472.00
Total value                                                     10317.06
Profit since previous report                                    116.94
              	INVENTORY REPORT
Item Name 	Bought At    	Sold At  	AvailableQty    	Value
--------- 	---------    	-------  	-----------     	-------
Food01          	1.47      	3.98       	493           	724.71
Med01          	30.63     	34.29        	90          	2756.70
Mobile01       	10.51     	44.56       	246          	2585.46
Tab01          	57.00     	84.98        	91          	5187.00
Total value                                                 11253.87
Profit since previous report                                -724.75

Expected Output

              	INVENTORY REPORT
Item Name 	Bought At    	Sold At       	AvailableQty    	Value
--------- 	---------    	-------       	-----------     	-------
Book01    	10.50          	13.79               	100    	    1050.00
Food01     	1.47           	3.98               	    498     	732.06
Med01     	30.63          	34.29               	100    	    3063.00
Tab01     	57.00          	84.98                	96    	    5472.00
Total value                                                     10317.06
Profit since previous report                                    116.94
              	INVENTORY REPORT
Item Name 	Bought At    	Sold At  	AvailableQty    	Value
--------- 	---------    	-------  	-----------     	-------
Food01          	1.47      	3.98       	493           	724.71
Med01          	30.63     	34.29        	90          	2756.70
Mobile01       	10.51     	44.56       	246          	2585.46
Tab01          	57.00     	84.98        	91          	5187.00
Total value                                                 11253.87
Profit since previous report                                -724.75

Run program

You can run the main method located in the java.com.inventory.InventoryApplication class or run the following maven command mvn exec:java

Because there is no dependecy integrated for persistance, a Singleton object is used for simulate it. However, when you exit a running program, all data registered will be lost. Take into account that each Exception thrown may exit the program.


You can run unit test with the following command mvn test. You will get a code coverage under HTML report under ./target/site/jacoco/*.html