
Low latency grpc services just for fun (µs not ms)

Primary LanguageGo

GRPC Services

This repository contains 2 grpc services for learning purposes, it's just for understand how protocol buffers works

  • Student service (unary)
    • Get students
    • Create students
  • Exam service (unary)
    • Get exams
    • Create exams
      • Question section (bidirectional)
        • Get questions by exams
        • Create questions for exams (streaming)
      • Enrollment section (bidirectional)
        • Get enrollments by exams
        • Enroll student to exam

What the services look like (hypothetical gateway):

GRPC Services (1)

Generate code from proto files:

make gen

Running both services

  • Student service (unary)
  • Exam service (unary, bidirectional, streaming)
make up