
Hashmap implementation in javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HashMap Implementation in JavaScript

This JavaScript HashMap implementation provides a basic structure for managing key-value pairs using a hash map data structure. A hash map allows efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data by utilizing a hash function to map keys to specific locations within an array of buckets.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Sizing: The hash map dynamically adjusts its size to accommodate the increasing number of key-value pairs while maintaining optimal performance.
  • Collision Handling: Collisions, where multiple keys map to the same index, are managed using linear probing to find the next available bucket.
  • Load Factor and Rehashing: The implementation includes a load factor check, triggering rehashing when the threshold is reached. Rehashing involves doubling the size of the buckets array to ensure even distribution of key-value pairs.
  • Key Operations:
    • Set: Inserts or updates a key-value pair.
    • Get: Retrieves the value associated with a specific key.
    • Has: Checks if a particular key exists in the hash map.
    • Remove: Removes a specific key-value pair.
    • Clear: Empties the entire hash map.
    • Keys, Values, Entries: Retrieve arrays of keys, values, or key-value pairs.

HashMap Class Methods


  • Initializes a new instance of the hash map.
  • Sets the initial length to 0.
  • Creates an array of buckets with a default size of 16.


  • Calculates the hash code for a given string using a basic hashing algorithm.
  • Returns the index for placing the key-value pair within the array of buckets.

set(key, value)

  • Inserts or updates a key-value pair in the hash map.
  • Handles collisions by using linear probing to find the next available bucket.
  • Checks the load factor and triggers rehashing if the threshold is reached.


  • Doubles the size of the buckets array.
  • Replaces key-value pairs in the new buckets based on the updated hash values.
  • Resets the length counter.


  • Retrieves the value associated with a specific key.
  • Performs linear probing if the key is not found in its intended location due to collisions.


  • Checks if a particular key exists in the hash map.
  • Considers collisions and performs linear probing if necessary.


  • Empties the entire hash map.
  • Creates a new array of buckets with the same size as the previous one.
  • Resets the length counter to 0.


  • Removes a specific key-value pair from the hash map.
  • Sets the corresponding bucket to undefined.
  • Decrements the length counter if the key is successfully removed.


  • Returns an array containing all the keys in the hash map.
  • Filters out undefined values from the buckets array.


  • Returns an array containing all the values in the hash map.
  • Filters out undefined values from the buckets array.


  • Returns an array containing all key-value pairs in the hash map.
  • Filters out undefined values from the buckets array and formats them as arrays of key-value pairs.

These methods collectively provide functionality for managing key-value pairs, handling collisions, and maintaining the integrity of the hash map.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have improvements to suggest, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.


This HashMap implementation is licensed under the MIT License.