
Extension of Neural Radiance Feilds (Mildenhall et al 2020) to perform 3D style transfer. Implementation in PyTorch Lightning.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Style NeRF

Title Image

An extension of NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) to apply 3D style transfer using pytorch (pytorch-lightning). The Neural Style algorithm is based on the loss network proposed by Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker and Matthias Bethge.

Our implementation is composed of two stages:

  • Stage 1 - learn a volumetric representation for a scene (standard NeRF)
  • Stage 2 - apply the style, extracted from a styling image, to the represention

This approach takes advantage of the way that NeRF isolates the scene's density in a 'head' of the model which is seperate from the 'head' of the model that generates the view dependent color. Stage 1 is used to tune the parts of the model which describe the scene's density (the geometry of the object). Stage 2 freezes those layers and slowly updates the color generating layers based on a combined content and style loss.

For details you can read our paper.


  • Clone this repo by

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/Jake-Jay/StyleNeRF_pl

  • Python>=3.6 is used. Installation via anaconda is recommended. To recreate the conda environment run:

    conda create -n nerf_pl python=3.6

    Activate the environment it by running:

    conda activate nerf_pl

  • Python libraries

    • Install core requirements by pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Install torchsearchsorted by cd torchsearchsorted then pip install .


Download the lego truck dataset, nerf_synthetic.zip, here.


Training is implemented in two stages. The first stage trains the density head of the model to capture the scene geometry. The second stage then used a style loss network to style the scene according to any 2D image.

Stage 1 (density stage):

python train.py \
    --root_dir $ROOT_DIR --dataset_name blender \
    --N_importance 64 --N_samples 64 --noise_std 0 --lr 5e-4 \
    --lr_scheduler cosine --img_wh 100 100 --num_epochs 20\
    --exp_name lego --stage density


  • $ROOT_DIR is the path to the <dataset_dir>/lego/

Stage 2 (style stage):

python train.py \
    --root_dir $ROOT_DIR --dataset_name blender \
    --N_importance 64 --N_samples 64 --noise_std 0  --lr 5e-4 \
    --lr_scheduler cosine --img_wh 100 100  --num_epochs 20 \
    --exp_name lego_style --stage style \
    --ckpt_path "$DENSITY_CKPT" --style_img "$STYLE_IMG"


  • $DENSITY_CKPT is the checkpoint generated in stage 1.
  • $STYLE_IMG is the path to your styling image


python eval.py \
   --root_dir $ROOT_DIR \
   --dataset_name blender --scene_name $SCENE_NAME \
   --img_wh 100 100 --N_importance 64 \
   --ckpt_path "$STYLE_CKPT"


Given a sparce set of images of a Lego truck, NeRF can generate a volumetric representation of the scene. This representation can be used to generate novel views of the scene facilitating the creation of continuous three dimensional views of an object such as the one seen below.

Unstyled gif of a truck

This representation can then be manipulated using a styling image.

Styling Image Styled 3D Output

One of the main goals was to maintain styling consistency which is invariant to the viewing direction. This is demonstrated below:



Contributors are Jake Pencharz and Abdullah Hayran.