
Final year project

Game Controls


  • Push right controller analog stick
  • Press trigger button to select

Snap Turn

  • Push left controller analog stick to right or left to snap turn


  • Point the teleportation ray at UI and select with trigger (Currently doesn't work due to 2019.3 bug)
  • See FYP-ProjectToasty\Builds\Full Build\Recorded Bug - Prevents Menu Use

Grabbing Objects (Pan, Uncracked Egg, Cracked Egg, Bread)

  • Hold your controller in close proximity and use the grip button


To get setup follow these instructions:

From Powershell

  • python pip install ml-agents

Creating a virtual environment

  • virtualenv {Name of venv}
  • navigate to \path\to\env\Scripts\activate to activate

Running ML Agents

  • Navigate to the root directory of your project
  • Run the following command, "mlagents-learn config/gail_config.yaml --run-id=Custom_ID --train"
  • Change the .yaml file to correspond with your own custom parameter settings for RL
  • Change the run-id everytime you train to create a distinction between trained models. Tensorboard will also show this distinction.

Running Tensorboard for Training Statistics

  • Open a terminal or conole window
  • Naviagte to the project directory
  • From the command line run: tensorboard --logdir=results --port=6006
  • Open a browser window and nacigate to localhost:6006

Unity Version: 2019.3