
Simple Weather Notifications via Text (SMS)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Weather Notifications via Text (SMS) - weatherwarner.herokuapp.com



  • Weather Warner sends a short weather update via SMS. Updates are sent each morning based on the current day's forecast data.
  • Recipients can subscribe to texts at weatherwarner.herokuapp.com after verifying their number.
  • Current recipients can be managed via the admin page.


  • Docker Compose
  • Docker

Note: For Mac users, I recommend Docker Desktop for Mac, as it includes both.


  1. Run ./dev_setup.sh to install the dockerised application. This will install everything required and import fixtures.


  1. Start Docker Compose
  2. Configure the Twilio Variables (TWILIO_* in base.py) with production credentials
  3. Configure the Weather Bit API_KEY with a production key
  4. In the base directory, run ./shortcuts.sh send_weather_report to fire off the texts!

System Architecture


The application backend is built with an python web framework called Django backed by a PostgreSQL database. Django's ORM is powerful, so we're going to make the most of that!

Two third party APIs are used; Weatherbit for retrieving weather data and Twilio Programmable SMS to send and receive texts.


The application frontend is a React/Typescript node app using React Hooks & Axios. A static webpack build is generated during deployment and served to the backend via django-webpack-loader.


The application is contained within Docker using Docker Compose.

Circle CI is used for continuous integration to run linting & tests.

When CI passes, the application is automatically deployed to heroku using multiple buildpacks.

Developer Tools

Running Locally

The webserver and webpack are required to run locally. Use the following commands:

dc up -d django
yarn run start


  1. Run ./shortcuts.sh test to start pytests.

Note: You can debug tests by inserting a breakpoint (see Debugging) and running:

./shortcuts.sh test --capture=no --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:Pdb--capture=no --pdb --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:Pdb
  1. Run yarn run test from the frontend/ root directory to run the frontend test suite.


This code uses pre-commit to enforce coding style locally. Ensure you have Python 3.7 if you'd like to run linting.

Run ./shortcuts.sh lint to lint changed files.

Application Shortcuts

./shorcuts.sh can be run for a variety of custom commands.

Available subcommands:

logs:   Follow the logs for the django container
shell:  Open a shell_plus session
bash:   Start a bash session in the app container
test:   Run one or more tests
lint:   Run isort, flake8 and black on changed files


Insert a breakpoint in the application like so:

foo = "bar"
import ipdb ; ipdb.set_trace() <=== break point