
Creating spotify playlist from twitch streamer songlist

Primary LanguagePython


Creating spotify playlist from twitch streamer songlist .

Twitch Music streamers mostly use streamersonglist to manage their songlist .

Use this tool to convert twitch music songlists to a spotify playlist on your account .

Prerequsites :-

  1. Python 3
  2. pip install requirements.txt

After syncing the repo , Edit the config.py file to fill out all the necessary info .

In config.py , please fill out all the necessary info as shown below , Edit the necessary parameters as needed :

# streamer name on twitch
streamer_id = "cornyears"

# streamer name on spotify -> for original songs
streamer_name_spotify = 'Bethan Le Mas'

# Artist name in songlist for streamer original songs eg.Original,cornyears etc:-
streamer_name_songlist = 'Original'

# playlist name that you want to create
playlist_name = 'Cornyears songlist'

# playlist description
playlist_description = 'Cornyears twitch songlist'

# spotify details

# Spotify cilent ID is 11 digit unique id that can be found at account overview : https://www.spotify.com/in-en/account/overview
spotify_client_id = ''

# Spotify token can be generated at : https://developer.spotify.com/console/post-playlists/
# In this page click on get token and copy the token to the below variable
# while creating the token give permission to playlist create public filed to create playlist on your account
spotify_secret = ''

After editing the config.py with the required parameters , run python main.py to create spotify playlist from the streamers song list .