Why I Autha


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Getting Started

Use the this template to get started.

Learning Objectives

  • Register new users on Supabase using the Javascript library
  • Authenticate existing users on Supabase using the Javascript library
  • Manage protected and unprotected pages by checking if a user is logged in
  • Use location object to redirect users


For this deliverable you are wiring up Supabase email authentication. You have been given 2 pages -- a home page at / and another page at /other-page. The home page should only be accessible when the user is not logged in - otherwise it should redirect to /other-page. /other-page should only be accessible when the user is logged in, otherwise it should redirect home.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users should be able to sign in to an existing account
  • Users should be able to add a new account
  • Authenticated users should be able to visit another page
  • Authenticated users should be redirected to other page if they visit the home page
  • Users should be able to logout from the other page and be redirected back to the home page
  • We must see a clear commit history showing your understanding of the authentication flow


The following is required for your assignment to be graded:

  • PR open from dev to main
  • PR Passes CI (lint + tests)
  • PR preview on netlify
  • At least 4 commits, aligning with individual features
Task 10
** Code Requirements **
Clear commit history with multiple commits with working code 2
Users can sign in and are redirected to other-page 2
Users can register and are redirected to other-page 2
Users can logout from the other page 2
Authenticated users are redirected to the other page from the home page 1
Unauthenticated users are redirected back to the home page from the other page 1