A non API python program to crawl public photos, posts, followers, and following
To crawl followers or followings, you will need to login with your credentials either by filling in 'auth.json' or typing in(as you would do when you are simply browsing instagram)
Well, it is to copy 'auth.json.example' to 'auth.json' and fill in your username and password
Download the first 100 photos and captions(user's posts, if any) from username "instagram"
$ python instagramcrawler.py -q 'instagram' -c -n 100
Search for the hashtag "#breakfast" and download first 50 photos
$ python instagramcrawler.py -q '#breakfast' -n 50
Record the first 30 followers of the username "instagram", requires log in
$ python instagramcrawler.py -q 'instagram' -t 'followers' -n 30 -a auth.json
usage: instagramcrawler.py [-h] [-d DIR] [-q QUERY] [-t CRAWL_TYPE] [-n NUMBER] [-c] [-a AUTHENTICATION]
- [-d DIR]: the directory to save crawling results, default is './data/[query]'
- [-q QUERY] : username, add '#' to search for hashtags, e.g. 'username', '#hashtag'
- [-t CRAWL_TYPE]: crawl_type, Options: 'photos | followers | following'
- [-n NUMBER]: number of posts, followers, or following to crawl
- [-c]: add this flag to download captions(what user wrote to describe their photos)
- [-a AUTHENTICATION]: path to a json file, which contains your instagram credentials, please see 'auth.json'
There are 2 packages : selenium & requests
$ pip install -r requirements.txt