⏹️Nonograms but in Javascript❎

yep, i'm going to try make the japanese puzzle game nonogram / picross in javascript, i love the game and i plan to try turn them into password systems and captchas too, even though they're not very suitable for that!

🪆moscow to-do📝

must have

  • table layout (start with 3x3, dynamic later?)
  • click detection on a cell
  • js that changes the contents of a cell / changes its state [empty, filled (◼️), crossed (❌)]
  • js that can parse correct answer matrix for puzzle
  • js that will generate outer hint numbers for table, from the answer matrix

should have

  • puzzle completion message, player knows when they're done
  • ability to put X in cell
  • proper algo that prevents guessing? (<- needs researching!)
  • generate new puzzle button
  • restart puzzle button -> all cells emptied

could have

  • timer from first action, until final correct filled cell is placed
  • pause button: pause -> timer paused + all cells are filled with either empty or crosses until unpaused
  • dynamic puzzle size generation (generate table html from js? 🤔)
  • give up function: press -> puzzle auto-fills

won't have

  • account system
  • penalty system, you cannot lose, like some versions where you get 3 mistakes then lose 🙄 (extremely unfun mechanic, i am here to relax and PUZZLE)
  • puzzle completion remembering
  • leaderboards / points
  • coloured puzzle ability (yet!! next on the list if i get this done!)
  • good styling lol, not the point rn