
Week2: Students will be building a Twitter Client

#Week 2: Twitter Clone


This week students will build a Twitter client application. This project gets students comfortable with building out their first fully-functioning application utilizing the tools learned in the previous week as well as specific features learned each day throughout this week. More specifically, students will use the Accounts and Social frameworks to authenticate users, make GET requests to the Twitter API, parse JSON, and use the data to build model objects and display content to the user.

##Learning Objectives

Utilizing storyboards, students will understand the basics of the developing an app from start to finish using the Swift Programming language. Students will have a clear understanding of MVC Students will be able to parse JSON returned from the Twitter API Students will have the skills needed to utilize the Accounts and Social frameworks

##Daily Breakdown

  • Class 1: MVC, Classes, Structs, JSON
  • Class 2: Accounts and Social Frameworks, HTTP Status Codes, Switch Statements, MainQueue
  • Class 3: Autolayout, Passing Information between ViewControllers, Navigation Controller
  • Class 4: Lazy Properties, Additional API Endpoints, Nibs/Xibs
  • Class 5: Data Structures and Whiteboarding

##Other Resources: