
minimalist traffic analytics for small web projects

Primary LanguageGo


A minimal analytics package to start collecting traffic data without client dependencies.

Logging incoming requests

import "github.com/JakeKalstad/go-web-analytics"

analytics := NewAnalytics(AnalyticsConfiguration{
			Name:                 "sanjuanpuertorico",
			Password:             os.Getenv("DASHBOARD_KEY"),
			GroupByURLSegment:    1,
			EntriesByURLSegment:  2,
			WriteScheduleSeconds: 30,
			Directory:            "logs",
			HashIPSecret:         os.Getenv("HASH_IP_KEY"),
			UserAgentBlackList:   DefaultUserAgentBlacklist,
		}, fmt.Println)

router.Use(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		next.ServeHTTP(w, r)


router.HandleFunc("/analytics", analytics.Dashboard).Methods("GET")


type AnalyticsConfiguration struct {
    HashIPSecret         string
    GroupByURLSegment    int
    EntriesByURLSegment  int
    WriteScheduleSeconds int
    Name                 string
    Password             string
    Directory            string
    UserAgentBlackList   []string

HashIPSecret is a seed that if provided will be used to hash the IP so you don't have plaintext user IPs stored

GroupByURLSegment index in the URL split by / to group the results

EntriesByURLSegment index in the URL split by / to count as results

WriteScheduleSeconds how often we write to the file Name of file

Directory parent directory for the log files

Password for a dashboard if it's used /analytics?k=mypassword

UserAgentBlacklist entries to check if the user agent contains in order to avoid things like bots or automated tests