
A debug exercise for the Web 1 class of Code Louisville!

Primary LanguageHTML

Web 1 Debug Exercise!

Fork this repo and pull it down to your local machine to get started!

Set up

One of the interns approaches you with a few concerns with the new profile app that your team has been working on. They show you the mock and express concerns that their end product looks nothing like it. They want you, one of the team's Junior Developers, to sit down with them and figure out why it looks wrong. They are so close! You can find the mocked web pages in the "mocks" folder.


There are 6 issues with this Profile web application that is causing it to not look like the mock that UX/UI gave your intern. In addition to some of them being style issues, the client is also supposed to be listed as "Looking for work". None of these issues require a major re-write and should be pretty small tweaks. Poke around the code and try to find at least 4 out of the 6 issues.

In addition to the 6 issues, there are 2 bonus questions that your intern has asked you:

  • Why isn't the Submit button working like one would expect?
  • The trailing comma on the Skills section feels off. What's a clever way to get rid of it?

If done during class

If we have time to do this exercise during class, we will take you through the process of creating a new branch and making a pull request. For simplicity, we won't be making a fork and the mentors will be demoing the PR process. Be sure to follow along as this process will closely mimic how work is done on the job!


Developers work in a team. In this team, you have a couple of Senior Devs that you can reach out to if you get stuck. Your mentors won't directly answer the question like a Senior Dev might in a real team, but they may point you in the right direction.