
A CodeIgniter Library for the Google AJAX API

Primary LanguagePHP

CodeIgniter Google API Library


This allows you to easily interface with Google’s AJAX API within your CodeIgniter application.


1. Copy Google.php to your application/libraries folder.
2. Load the library like normal. ($this->load->library('google');)


API calls takes 2 parameters:
1. The search string
2. An array of options

Valid API calls include:



$this->google->images('cougar', array('safe' => 'active'));

Return Values

The library return the responseData object sent by Google. You must access the results like this:

$search = $this->google->web('codeigniter');
$results = $search->results;

You can also use chaining to simplify it:

$results = $this->google->web('codeigniter')->results;

For more information on the return object please see the API reference:
Google API Reference