An alternate reality game world based on Twitter for project XGIS by the Divergent Design Lab.
Create a web application that enables social media strategists to simulate and test the influence of social engineering tactics. Based on Twitter, the application enables participants and administrators to work within a familiar social media environment.
To ensure full, autonomous control, use and manipulation of the simulated social media environment, the project required development of an end-to-end clone of Twitter's core functionality. The application was independently developed, separate from Twitter including no use of their API's or other functionality. The application is a standalone full-stack social media platform build on the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack.
- Infinite Posts - Utilizing MongoDB's materialized paths to create a linked list style database structure allowing for maximized scalability and query efficiency.
- Advanced Data Fetching - Using React's experimental Suspense mode, posts can be loaded into the UI using a Render-as-You-Fetch approach allowing for fine-tuned loading states and support for slow 3G connections.
- JWT-Based Authentication - Managing user accounts via Passport.js and Bcrypt for flexible integration with custom login forms and secure encryption/decryption of password data.
- Simple Client Side Caching - Keeping server state up to date with client-side local stores by implementing React-Query a framework providing hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data.
- Streamlined Global State Mangagment - Maintaining global state with React's Context API allows for less boilerplate and a more flexible approach.
- Adaptive Layout - Using CSS media queries and flexbox, UI components are self-contained and respond according to the device widths. Supports desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
To setup on your local machine, run the install command and then edit the .env__example file to include your mongodb api key.
npm run full-install
and then to start the project in development mode
npm run dev