
PHP Wrapper to help get data from the CTA API

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP Wrapper to help get data from the CTA API

(Returns Everything in an easy-to-use array format)

To Begin

  1. Have PHP 5.3+

    • (May work in older versions, but this is the earliest I've tested with)
  2. Require In the wrapper:

        require_once('{Whereever your project is located bla bla bla}/CTAWrapper.php');
  3. Get a bus and train API key from the CTA

  4. Create an opject of the CTAWrapper, which accepts an array of api keys as it's only parameter, for now.

    $cta = new CTAWrapper(array(
        'busApiKey' => $yourBusKey, //Only if you need to use the bus API
        'trainApiKey' => $yourTrainKey //Only if you need to use the train API
  5. Make a call on one of the 3 CTA API's.

    • The params array is optional. If the endpoint you're calling does not require params, don't include them!
    • The key parameter found on train and bus endpoints is automatically added for you. You don't need to include it in your params.
    • Quick list of all endpoints to endpointUrl's.
        public static $API_ENDPOINTS = array(
            'alerts' => array(
                'routes'            => 'routes.aspx',
                'alerts'            => 'alerts.aspx'
            'bus' => array(
                'time'              => 'gettime',
                'vehicles'          => 'getvehicles',
                'routes'            => 'getroutes',
                'routeDirections'   => 'getdirections',
                'stops'             => 'getstops',
                'patterns'          => 'getpatterns',
                'predictions'       => 'getpredictions',
                'serviceBulletins'  => 'getservicebulletins'
            'train' => array(
                'arrivals'          => 'ttarrivals.aspx',
                'followThisTrain'   => 'ttfollow.aspx',
                'locations'         => 'ttpositions.aspx'


This API Wrapper is very basic, and supports every endpoint, so just looking over the official CTA API docs will show you all the parameters you can use, along with nice descriptions

Train API Example

An example of a request to the "Follow this train" endpoint.

    $cta = new CTAWrapper(array(
        'trainApiKey' => $yourTrainKey

    echo '<pre>';
                'runnumber' => 123
    echo '</pre>';

Bus API Example

This example looks up vehicle info on bus #1993 & #1219

    $cta = new CTAWrapper(array(
        'busApiKey' => $yourBusKey
    echo '<pre>';
            'vid' => array(1993,1219)
    echo '</pre>';

Alerts API Example

This example lists all the train stations, and any alerts they may have:

    $cta = new CTAWrapper(); //No API Keys required!

    echo '<pre>';
            'type' => array('rail')
    echo '</pre>';

Other stuff

This wrapper isn't endorsed by the CTA or the city of Chicago in any way.

2016 - Jake Siegers - MIT License, feel free to fork and improve.