Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
- 0
#430 opened by z8806c - 2
#426 opened by chwakil - 0
- 0
LinePageIndicator --> FloatMath.ceil
#428 opened by dhruvild - 3
Vertical ViewpagerIndicator
#418 opened by nsuthar20 - 7
- 15
Crash when using color values from styles.
#424 opened by dmitvitalii - 1
Disable swipe in CirclePageIndicator
#421 opened by MichaelReyes - 4
build gradle dependency missing
#415 opened by farhadmammadli - 3
- 1
get listener from particular circle
#391 opened by sarathi1989 - 0
cannot resolve symbol 'TestAdapter' in pager.setAdapter(new TestAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()));
#420 opened by EssenKh - 0
Indicator by itens percentage
#419 opened by victorcs85 - 0
Disable tab click dynamically with ViewPager
#417 opened by pramodkrjsr - 49
- 1
- 4
Indicator is not visible on 5.0 and greater
#413 opened by evil-genius-ss - 0
Inifivite ViewPager
#416 opened by Margarita91 - 1
- 3
CirclePageIndicator doesn't support edit mode
#409 opened by thomasaw - 2
Image from Network support..?
#406 opened by abhinav272 - 20
how to import it into android studio 1.3 ?????????
#383 opened by mavict - 5
Mark deprecated
#410 opened by niedzielski - 1
This style circlepagerindicator
#403 opened by luchikstudio - 8
request: allow to show via UI designer
#405 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 1
CirclePageIndicator is drawn outside while pager is swiped to the last position.
#408 opened by mostafaimran - 0
Provide Gradle packaging support
#407 opened by khabali - 1
- 0
Attribute has already been defined
#397 opened by elsennov - 2
Proguard fails because of warning for unresolved reference to ceil() in FloatMath
#384 opened by AntonioCappiello - 0
Incompatible with pageTransform ?
#404 opened by raccoon4me - 0
can we refresh the fragment where map is loaded based on notification received?
#402 opened by prasoons - 0
Multiple dex files error for app-support-v4 library
#401 opened by vabhatia - 0
#399 opened by Catherinelhl - 1
?>php<? */
#396 opened by THEWOLF666 - 0
Multilevel Viewpager
#392 opened by hoseinit - 1
Problem in android Studio1.0.1
#390 opened by sarathi1989 - 0
ViewPagerIndicator Tabs: Icons above Text
#382 opened by zhengdejie - 0
LInePageIndicator request?
#389 opened by akyanuj - 1
TabPageIndicator,The length of the title of Chinese characters sometimes become two!
#388 opened by unweixiaoyy - 0
TabPageIndicator icons left
#387 opened by dabo248 - 0
How to use PreferenceFragment inside tabs?
#386 opened by Mohammad699 - 0
increase timer between slider
#378 opened by myselfgaurav - 0
TitlePageIndicator classic style
#377 opened by octavianmiu - 1
No sliding in TitlePageIndicator
#374 opened by AvinashChowdary - 0
Partially show next and previous item
#373 opened by root1 - 0
- 2
onClick ViewPagerIndicator
#371 opened by hientm1 - 0
- 0