Error:(1) Attribute "titleTextStyle" has already been defined
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Error:(1) Attribute "titleTextStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "subtitleTextStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "divider" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "background" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "backgroundSplit" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "navigationMode" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "displayOptions" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "title" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "subtitle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "icon" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "logo" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "backgroundStacked" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "customNavigationLayout" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "homeLayout" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "progressBarStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "indeterminateProgressStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "progressBarPadding" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "itemPadding" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "initialActivityCount" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "expandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "preserveIconSpacing" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "iconifiedByDefault" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "queryHint" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "windowActionBar" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "windowActionBarOverlay" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "windowActionModeOverlay" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarTabStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarTabBarStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarTabTextStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionOverflowButtonStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarSplitStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarWidgetTheme" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarSize" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarDivider" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionBarItemBackground" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionMenuTextAppearance" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionMenuTextColor" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModeStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModeCloseButtonStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModeBackground" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModeSplitBackground" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModeCloseDrawable" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModeShareDrawable" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionModePopupWindowStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "textAppearanceLargePopupMenu" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionDropDownStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "dropdownListPreferredItemHeight" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "spinnerDropDownItemStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "homeAsUpIndicator" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "actionButtonStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "selectableItemBackground" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "dividerVertical" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "activityChooserViewStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "popupMenuStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "textAppearanceSearchResultTitle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "textColorSearchUrl" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "listPreferredItemHeightSmall" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "listPreferredItemPaddingLeft" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "listPreferredItemPaddingRight" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "dropDownListViewStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "listPopupWindowStyle" has already been defined
Error:(1) Attribute "textAppearanceListItemSmall" has already been defined
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/home/king/ide/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/22.0.1/aapt'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
Attribute "textAppearanceListItemSmall" has already been defined?
I saw this error in a project using the new material design support library. I tracked it down and only see the issue when I pull in
compile ''
Hope this helps in tracking down the issue!
I encounter this kind of issue after adding this dependency:
compile ''
Error:(2) Attribute "textAllCaps" has already been defined
Error:(2) Attribute "theme" has already been defined
do you worked this iusses?? can you tell me?
Why closed? I encountered the same problem. Is there any solution for this? I used ''
@elsennov @401885064
You must reference the other projects in the project has defined some of the properties, their names and support design-dependent properties in the name of the conflict. Or your project defines the attributes conflict attribute names and support design of dependence.
Sorry, the processing done before me is not good enough. My English is not good, these words are written by translation software.