- 6
- 7
Abandoned repo
#83 opened by x1unix - 1
- 1
Leaking views in Fragment
#80 opened by ursusursus - 2
Bind view in arbitrary class
#42 opened by sargunv - 3
NPE for abstract View-class
#50 opened by orcchg - 1
- 2
error with suport libraries.
#77 opened by weijinhuang - 1
NPE on ReadOnlyProperty.getValue
#75 opened by ncapdevi - 0
DialogFragment use
#78 opened by kassim - 1
- 1
Problem with appcompat-v7:26.1.0
#69 opened by egek92 - 2
Problem with SNAPSHOT
#67 opened by hanibalsk - 6
Error when included in project with butterknife
#55 opened by RoryKelly - 2
Will @OnClick be added?
#57 opened by taingmeng1 - 1
Failed to resolve
#58 opened by xiaogegexiao - 1
Does kotterknife also require R2 for libraries?
#59 opened by AllanWang - 1
- 2
bindView doesn't work with CheckBox
#39 opened by jibbo - 1
have something like ButterKnife Zelezny?
#54 opened by iostyle - 0
gradle build fails, failed to resolve simply
#49 opened by gugakatsi - 3
hello,does it support Recyclerview?
#52 opened by fly7632785 - 0
How to bind DialogFragment
#31 opened by PaulWoitaschek - 9
Bind view in retained Fragment
#5 opened by damianpetla - 0
Butterknife / Kotterknife incompatibility
#45 opened by tinsukE - 2
Cant bind coordinatorLayout
#44 opened by lectricas - 2
Why does't upload kotterknife to Maven Central ?
#36 opened by pine - 1
- 2
Kotlin M13 Support
#18 opened by steindekker - 6
Generate less classes
#16 opened by dalewking - 2
New kotlin version
#11 opened by yoavst - 0
Support ViewHolder pattern
#9 opened by ZakTaccardi - 1
Fragment getView(), activity.findViewById()
#8 opened by yoavst - 1
[Question] Namespace for KotterKnife methods
#1 opened by DrOptix