
iOS application to share police speed traps with other users. Created to learn iOS development using Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


iOS application to share police speed traps with other users. Created to learn iOS development using Swift.


Getting started


Please make sure CocoaPods is installed.

Clone this repo and open Flits.xcworkspace.

git clone https://github.com/JakobLierman/Flits-iOS.git Jakob_Lierman_FlitsApp
cd Jakob_Lierman_FlitsApp
open Flits.xcworkspace

Optional: run pod install before opening to make sure all pods are up to date.

Change Firebase backend

Create your own Firebase: https://console.firebase.google.com/. Use the docs to change all database references in the project.

  1. Search for statements like this one and change accordingly.

    let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference(forURL: "Insert Firebase storage link here")
  2. Change the GoogleService-Info.plist to the one you got from Firebase.

Built With