
A collection of geospatial programs with commandline interface

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Geospatial Commandline Tools

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A collection of geospatial programs with commandline interface. The starting point of the list was this tweet which contains many useful responses.

Generic Vector & Raster

  • GDAL/OGR - Powerful tools for conversion and processing of most geospatial formats.
  • QGIS/qgis_process - Interface for accessing QGIS processing tools.
  • GRASS - Execute GRASS GIS algorithms.
  • SAGA GIS - Execute SAGA GIS algorithms.
  • Whitebox Tools - Execute geospatial algorithms.


Raster & Remote Sensing

  • Rasterio - Process raster data.
  • libtiff - TIFF Library and Utilities.
  • Orfeo ToolBox A toolbox for remote sensing.
  • OpenDroneMap - Process drone imagery.
  • TauDEM - a suite of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools.
  • felicette - Download satellite images.
  • eodag - Earth Observation Data Access Gateway.
  • micmac - Photogrammetric suite.
  • sat-search - Access SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) API.
  • PkTools - Utilities for image processing.
  • go-spatial - Manipulation of geospatial data.
  • stactools - Command line utility and Python library for STAC.
  • gdal-exprtk - GDAL-based raster calculation with JavaScript and ExprTk expresssions.
  • cogger - GeoTIFF to COG converter.
  • geeup - Simple tool for Google Earth Engine uploads.

Rendering and Styling

  • GMT - Display geospatial data.
  • mapnik - Mapping Toolkit.
  • GeoStyler - Conversion from and to various geospatial style formats.
  • carto - Edit CartCSS styles.
  • t-Rex - Creation and Serving of vector tiles.
  • tippecanoe - Build vector tiles.
  • mbgl-renderer - Static Renderer for MapboxGL.
  • BareMaps - Creation of custom vector tiles.
  • Mapproxy - Proxy for geospatial data.
  • pygeoapi - A Python server implementation of the OGC API suite of standards.
  • pg_tileserv - A PostGIS-only tile server in Go.
  • pg_featureserv - Geospatial Feature Server for PostGIS in Go.


  • osmium - Powertool for any type of OpenStreetMap data processing.
  • pyosmium - Utilities for updating OSM files.
  • osm2pgsql - Load OpenStreetMap data in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS Database. Written in C++.
  • osmprj - Import OSM data to Postgres and create reports.
  • osmtogeojson - Convert OpenStreetMap XML to GeoJSON.
  • Imposm - Load OpenStreetMap data in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS Database. Written in Go.
  • osmctools - Convert, filter and update OpenStreetMap data files.
  • osm-tags-transform - Transform tags in OSM files using Lua code.
  • mapsplit - Split OSM data in to a portable tiled format.
  • 99boundaries - Generate administrative boundaries from OpenStreetMap.
  • gol - Build an OpenStreetMap database and perform queries.

Point Cloud

  • PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library.
  • CloudCompare - Tools for processing point clouds.
  • OPALS - Processing of airborn laser scanning.
  • LAStools - Tools for processing point clouds.


  • PROJ - Converts coordinate reference systems.
  • pyproj - Python interface to PROJ.
  • GEOS - Performs geometric operations.
  • pygeometa - Create geospatial metadata.
  • MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library.
  • valhalla - Routing Engine.
  • PCRaster - Software for environmental modelling.
  • Cesium Terrain Builder - Create terrain tiles for use in the Cesium JavaScript library.
  • geodiff - Handle differences in geospatial data.
  • GeoGig - Geospatial version control.
  • Kart - Geospatial version control.
  • mergin - Python client module for access to Mergin and a command-line tool for access to data stored in Mergin.
  • wetterdienst - Retrieve weather data from multiple sources.
