
Voiceover for World of Warcraft

Primary LanguagePython

VoiceOver for World of Warcraft Quests and Gossip

This project contains a CLI (Command Line Interface) tool that generates Text-to-Speech (TTS) audio files for World of Warcraft quests and gossip texts. The tool uses data fetched from a local MySQL database and the ElevenLabs TTS API to generate the audio files. It also contains an addon for playing and queuing the text in game.

Development Discord: https://discord.gg/VdhUmA8ZCt


  • Initialize quest and gossip text database
  • Fetch quest and gossip texts from a local MySQL database.
  • Generate TTS audio files using the ElevenLabs TTS API.
  • Supports multiple races and genders.
  • Generates lookup tables for use in addon.
  • Parallel processing for faster generation.


  • python 3.9+
  • docker (for the database)


  1. Install the required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in your ElevenLabs API Key and database credentials. The included database values are fine if you're going to use the docker-compose file.
cp .env.example .env
  1. Start the MySQL DB
docker compose up -d
  1. Seed the MySQL DB
python cli-main.py init-db

Voice Setup

The generation scripts assume you have voices created in Elevenlabs named in the format race-gender. Right now there is support for troll, orc, tauren, and goblin - male/female. You will need to create your own voice clones. If you'd like to add more races, add them to the tts_cli/tts_utils.py race table and voice map. A good place to get samples is @ https://www.wowhead.com/sounds/npc-greetings/name:orc


To use the CLI tool, run the following command with either quests or gossip as an argument:

python cli-main.py <mode>

Replace with one of the following options:

  • quests: Process quest texts and generate TTS audio files.
  • gossip: Process gossip texts and generate TTS audio files.


python cli-main.py quests

Generating all of the quests and gossip in the game would be quite expensive, so you can edit the exact query for retrieving text in tts_cli/sql_queries.py


The generated TTS audio files will be saved in the sounds folder, with separate subfolders for quests and gossip. Lookup tables and sound length tables will also be generated for use in the addon.

Addon Install

Copy over the generated folder to the VoiceOver folder, then the VoiceOver folder to World of Warcraft/_classic_era_/Interface/AddOns


If you want to contribute to this project, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.