
Primary LanguageJava


SPRING BOOT GROUP ASSINGMENT 1 Add dependencies(spring boot dev tools, JDBC,MSQL DRIVER,THYMELEAF,SPRING SECURITY) 2 Design a login page(with a form) that will handle (user && password ) or USE the default template(by spring security) 3 Design a registration page (with a form) that will handle(username,email,password,age,roles,active) && save data. 4 Design a home page(redirect after login) 4.1 Home page should have a welcome Message 4.2 Home page should have where the user can input products(product name ,price , quantity ,type ,etc...) 4.2 Home page should display all products in a table (EDIT or DELETE)==>Only admin role can delete 5. USE spring security for (authentication && authorization ==>Attibute roles(users,admin)) 6. USE Thymeleaf as template Engine 7. USE Conctrollers && Repos 8. USE Services (users,spring securty Userdetails services) 9. USE MODELS 10. Practise on git push and pull.